We are very aware that an important part of living in a care home or hospital is being able to socialise and enjoy physical, mental and spiritual activity that is vital for overall wellbeing. For all visits we would ask that you comply with the meet and greet protocols we have in place and ensure that you visit only in your loved ones own bedroom observing social distancing at all times. Read our brochure ‘Life in our home. Read brochure. However, we are also mindful that this may not be possible, and many of you have told us that you are not in a category that has been vaccinated as yet, so whilst it is our preference, please be assured that if you have not had the chance to be vaccinated we will not stop you from becoming the designated visitor able to visit indoors. There are very stringent protocols for these members of staff to follow, including testing for COVID-19 at least twice weekly, and infection control measures in place. If you have had a great experience please do leave a review on carehome.co.uk or Google, you can also email us at feedback@barchester.com, we share all of your lovely comments with our team members. Please click the button below to read our visiting rules and procedures for our care homes in Jersey. Visiting Hours open. The regulators are also starting to undertake inspections in our homes and hospitals. Hickathrift House Care Home 217 Smeeth Road, Marshland St James, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 8JB If you are required to make an essential visit to a Barchester Healthcare home or hospital it is important that you do so safely and in a way that minimises the risk of infection to our residents, patients and staff. We would ask please that each visitor stays within their car until 5 minutes before their scheduled visit time. For non-designated visitors, please continue to book Outdoor Visits and Visiting Suites. We understand how important it is for residents, patients and their family and friends to be able to spend time together in the safest way possible. Over all time Barchester Rose Lodge Care Home has 39 reviews with an Average Rating of 4.5 out of 5. Run by a team of experienced nurses, carers and care practioners the Millaton team understand the unique challenges … Click here to book a visit Book a visit to see a resident. Briardene Care Home is situated in a quiet suburb of Billingham At Briardene, we provide care and support for adults aged 50 and over living with a dementia. Coopersale and Theydon Garnon Church of England Primary School is the first school in the district to receive a Dementia Friendly Schools award from Epping Forest Dementia Action Alliance. To see our visiting rules and procedures for all localities, please use the links below: Visiting Rules and Procedures in Scotland. However, we take our responsibility for the care of our residents and patients very seriously and believe this is the approach to give them the utmost protection. The health, safety, and wellbeing of our residents, patients and staff is always our top priority as we continue to celebrate life across all of our care homes. There’s guidance on types of care in the home, different sorts of care homes, and council payments towards the cost of care. Barchester Healthcare’s Chacombe Park in Banbury has recently adapted an room indoor that is now accessible both internally and externally as a safe ‘pod’ for families to visit … For those able to have visit, we offer each resident at least one visit per week for at least 30 minutes. We also ensure that any new residents and patients coming into our homes and hospitals, whether from a local hospital or the community, have been tested in advance and are negative for COVID-19. Providing care through coronavirus’ for more information on how we’re here to help you and your loved one. If you are not the named visitor who is able to visit in the bedroom please be assured that all of our homes and hospitals have a dedicated suite for visiting, available for those who can be assisted to this area, and this can continue to be used. To read our latest communications to residents and relatives, please click here. It is vital that we maintain the infection control we have in place in our homes and hospitals at present. Select the home you would like to visit from the dropdown list below: If you would like to book a visit to see a loved one at one of our Independent Mental Health Hospitals or complex care services, please click on the appropriate link below to take you through to the booking page for that hospital/service: If you are visiting a Barchester Healthcare care home it is important that you do so safely, and in a way that minimises the risk of infection to our residents, patients and staff. The visiting suite offers a COVID secure environment for residents and patients that is comfortable and will continue to be offered for those who choose this option. We have continued to have resident meetings as usual and we are having virtual relatives meetings where possible. Today, we’re proud to have over 240 care homes and six independent hospitals across England, Scotland and Wales that continually meet and exceed all relevant regulatory compliance standards. We’re making our homes as safe as possible and will do everything we can to ensure that all new residents, patients and staff are vaccinated before moving in or working in our homes and hospitals. As previously communicated, we are wanting to take a cautious approach to indoor visiting, mindful of the devastating effect COVID-19 has had on our vulnerable residents and patients, and therefore our preference is that designated visitors visiting indoors would be vaccinated, as we know from the latest medical data that this limits transmission. We are ensuring our residents continue to enjoy life in a safe environment and whilst nurturing their wellbeing. We are pleased to say that our homes in England, Scotland and Jersey are opening for visitors in line with the latest Government guidance. This means a window or door would remain closed in between the resident/patient and their visitor. We will be monitoring the situation carefully. Here are some of the things we are doing to enrich our residents lives: Click here to find out Barchester’s latest communication regarding the coronavirus outbreak. If there are any cases of Covid-19 that may impact you we would then be able to provide your details to public health authorities in line with the guidance. This information is intended for Barchester Healthcare residents, patients, staff and any visitors to our homes and hospitals. For non-designated visitors, please continue to book Outdoor Visits and Visiting Suites. All of our staff will now be wearing face masks as a minimum and we remain confident in our supplies of this and all of our services have what they need. We’re delighted that all of our homes and hospitals now have designated visiting suites to enable visiting in a COVID-secure environment for our residents and patients. For some visits indoors, when appropriate, we may provide you with personal protection equipment (PPE) that must be worn at all times. Here are some of the things we are doing to enrich our residents lives: Click here to find out Barchester’s latest communication regarding the coronavirus outbreak. To get a copy of the Nottinghamshire Adult Social Care Directory, contact Nottinghamshire County Council on 0300 500 80 80. Further visits will be by exception only and agreed by the General Manager / Hospital Director in advance. This page was last updated on 4th March 2021. In addition, a staff member may escort you to the relevant area and back again. A care home provider has bowed to pressure after stating that relatives would be required to be vaccinated before indoor visits were permitted. We’re regularly testing Staff and Residents, We’re winners of RoSPA health and safety award, We have robust infection control measures in place, We’re enabling safe visits that are taking place in our Designated Visitor Suites, We have abundant supplies of Personal Protective Equipment, We’ve introduced an enhanced cleaning regime, Care Please note that all visits will take place once per week for a period of 30 minutes and must be booked and agreed with us in advance, therefore please do not turn up at the home without the prior agreement and confirmation from us. The health, safety, and wellbeing of our residents, patients and staff is always our top priority and we are continuing with our robust and comprehensive response to Coronavirus. For those able to have visit, we offer each resident at least one visit per week for at least 30 minutes. We’re delighted our residents and staff have been prioritised to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and the large majority have already had their first vaccination. If you haven’t received information by email or text message from us, and you would like to, please could you visit www.barchester.com/update which is a secure platform, and input your details so we can ensure our database has your latest information. The suites, which have been devised and built by Barchester, will be launched at the majority of services by the end of this month following a successful pilot. Care home provider Barchester has said it will not as a matter of course ask that visitors to homes are vaccinated before visiting relatives, after the issue was raised yesterday in the Scottish Parliament. We will ask you to arrive in a face covering and follow our stringent meet & greet protocol on arrival, this includes having your temperature taken, washing your hands and confirming you are feeling well and haven’t experienced any symptoms at present or been exposed to another with Covid-19. Thank you so much for doing this, it means such a lot to them and we are ensuring that these comments, whether on social media, through our helpline or to management, are fed back. The health, safety, and wellbeing of our residents, patients and staff are always our top priority and we are continuing with our robust and comprehensive contingency plans to respond to Coronavirus. Please let the home know if visitors would like to book for a meal. Many of you have written to us to thank our amazing staff who are working tirelessly to ensure you and your loved ones are kept safe. Providing care through coronavirus’ for more information on how we’re here to help you and your loved one. Only those able to maintain social distancing should visit. If you would like to find out more, please contact us on: 01256449596. We are conscious that visiting is more restricted in places than we had hoped it would be and all of our visiting must be signed off by the local director of public health or local health protection team including designated visiting suites. Barchester’s Charitable Foundation is a registered charity that helps older people and other adults with a disability across England, Scotland & Wales. The designated visitor suite is accessible externally by visitors and enables you to spend time with your loved one whatever the weather. It is important also to say that we fully respect the decisions that individuals make and if someone chooses not to accept the vaccine we respect that decision. To keep everyone safe we are adhering to physical distancing advice and as of such our group activities are smaller and strict cleanliness routines are implemented with every activity. The garden is wheelchair accessible area and also benefits from two water features. At 5 minutes before your visit time we would ask you to stand near the entrance to the designated area at a safe social distance from any other visitors until you are escorted by a member of staff to your outdoor visitor area. If you have any questions or queries please do get in touch on feedback@barchester.com. In addition we continue to offer visiting outdoor and window visiting for all those able. There is a large garden area at the back of home which has won 'best garden' awards for 'Barchester in Bloom'. The visiting suite is similar to a living room type space, complete with soft furnishings, lampshades, cushions, and internal room heating to create a welcoming and warm environment for you. We are doing our very best to keep the infection out of our homes and hospitals, and therefore have made a number of decisions regarding who can visit indoors, which was already very limited. Barchester Healthcare ©2021 - All Rights Reserved. Leading care home operator Barchester Healthcare is launching COVID secure visiting suites across its portfolio. If you are a designated visitor you will be receiving communication on what you need to do to ensure the visits are safe, and also how you should book the visit through the visitor booking system on our website, which will enable our staff to manage the COVID-19 testing process effectively.
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