The named people below are the people who you should talk to within Bedgrove Junior School if you have a concern about a child - however if they are unavailable please speak to the most senior member of staff available. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Bedgrove Infant School have published on their website. This is the actual number of all full & part-time school support staff (eg bursars, secretaries, IT technicians etc) with a contract of one month or longer working in the school. ... loan interest, community focused school staff and school costs £29.00 £76.00 £97.00 £100.00 School spending per pupil over time Click to expand. Bedgrove Surgery Brentwood Way Aylesbury Bucks HP21 7TL. 2020 / 2021 INSET and training days for Bedgrove Junior School. Bedgrove Junior School. Bedgrove Junior School, Aylesbury. b) Allowed staff to consume alcohol in front of children during school residential Bedgrove Junior School. GET IN TOUCH! 2020 / … 2020 / 2021 INSET and training days for Bedgrove Infant School. Ingram Avenue, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 9DJ. 01296 481353 2020 / 2021 Bank Holidays With a 96.6% attendance rate, it has an good attendance rate.. With 19.9 members of staff, Bedgrove Junior School has significantly more teachers than most schools in a similiar location. Bedgrove Junior School. In order to help keep our patients and staff safe, from today, the entrance doors to Wendover Health Centre, Bedgrove and Aston Clinton Surgeries will be closed. This school became an academy on 31/03/2019. Wendover Health Centre Wendover Health Centre Aylesbury Road, Wendover Bucks HP22 6LD. It excludes auxiliary staff such as premises staff and catering staff We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Bedgrove Junior School have published on their website. Introduction . A 23:1 teacher/pupil ratio for This School may make it difficult for the teacher to give attention to individual pupils` concerns. Go to Bedgrove Junior School for previous record. READ MORE - Over 350 new coronavirus cases diagnosed in Bucks as total tops 8,000 Inspection report: Bedgrove Junior School, 16–17 July 2013 4 of 10 actions the school takes to improve are fully evaluated judgements about how good the school is take into account a full range of evidence governors hold the school’s leaders fully to account for pupils’ performance. This is the actual number of all full & part-time school support staff (eg bursars, secretaries, IT technicians etc) with a contract of one month or longer working in the school. This academy opened on 01/04/2019. Arranged staff lunches with alcohol both during school days and at staff evening meals. A. Full closure due to increase in coronavirus cases meaning the school does not have the staff capacity to open. Bedgrove Junior School - 5 REPORT CONTENTS Page PART A: SUMMARY OF THE REPORT 6-9 Information about the school How good the school is What the school does well What could be improved How the school has improved since its last inspection Standards Pupils’ attitudes and values Teaching and learning Other aspects of the school If you have any concerns about a child, or member of staff, within our school you should share this information immediately. Former employer: Bedgrove Junior School, Buckinghamshire . This school became an academy on 31/03/2019. Bedgrove Infant School (0.1km) show on map; Turnfurlong Junior School (1.0km) show on map; Turnfurlong Infant School (1.0km) show on map; St Edward's Catholic Junior School (1.0km) show on map; St Joseph's Catholic Infant School (1.0km) show on map; Broughton Junior School (1.1km) show on map; William Harding School (1.3km) show on map
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