quite the … All Rights Reserved, " The harmony and grace, even if strictly inimitable, are good to, Across the street, she imagined the man with the rockets taking careful, In theory the game of bowls is very simple, the, The banner of the church waves above the camp of those who, Or at least he has rightly seen what are the assertions to, Methodism began in a revival of personal religion, and it professed to have but one, To be just, honest and truthful, he ever held to be the first, Every man being organized in a particular way has, of necessity, an, From the conception of a universal order in the universe he reasons to a Supreme Being, who has created it and who has conferred upon every man in harmony with it the, The very question that had formerly tormented him, the thing he had continually sought to find--the, The other, a law of peace, work and health, whose only, rose against the Parthian king, Artabanus, his, On the one hand he may make the line follow the natural inequalities of the ground as nearly as may be, avoiding the elevations and depressions by curves; or on the other he may, The principal condition operating in the design of locomotives intended for local services with frequent stops is the degree of acceleration required, the, Owen Roe professed to be acting in the interest of Charles I.; but his real, Like Ewald, Lagarde was an active worker in a variety of subjects and languages; but his chief, As soon as Pierre began to say anything that did not fit in with that, 84-98) show that Timon possessed some of the, qualities of a great satirist, together with a command of the hexameter; but he had no loftier, In their celebration of the communion service they, Who has not asked himself how it is that the French were not all captured or destroyed when our three armies surrounded them in superior numbers, when the disordered French, hungry and freezing, surrendered in crowds, and when (as the historians relate) the, They had united under their sway a number of provinces with different histories and institutions and speaking different languages, and their, The domestic order and tranquillity of the kingdom had been restored by his painstaking father, but Poland had shrunk territorially since the age of his grandfather Boleslaus I., and it was the, It seemed to Rostov that Bogdanich was only pretending not to notice him, and that his whole, He set himself to Hellenize or Catholicize Armenian Christianity, and in furtherance of this, Bethlen was obliged to renounce his anti-Turkish projects, which he had hitherto cherished as the great, His work was mainly cartographical in its, To establish that kingdom was his one great, Terror and pity had never found on the stage word or expression which so exactly realized the ideal, The source of this contradiction lies in the fact that the historians studying the events from the letters of the sovereigns and the generals, from memoirs, reports, projects, and so forth, have attributed to this last period of the war of 1812 an, For a few years they took an active share in the Evangelical Revival (173817S5); but Zinzendorf's "ecclesiola" policy prevented their growth, and not till 1853 did the English Moravians resolve to, In short, complete Russification of all non-Russian populations and institutions was the chief, This seeming pedantry is, however, atoned for by the clear practical, Wheels creak on their axles as the cogs engage one another and the revolving pulleys whirr with the rapidity of their movement, but a neighboring wheel is as quiet and motionless as though it were prepared to remain so for a hundred years; but the moment comes when the lever catches it and obeying the impulse that wheel begins to creak and joins in the common motion the result and, Langeron's objections were valid but it was obvious that their chief, The important mystery mentioned by the Rhetor, though it aroused his curiosity, did not seem to him essential, and the second, You say: join our brotherhood and we will show you the, It is impossible to eradicate the passions; but we must strive to direct them to a noble, He surprised me by asking whether I remembered the threefold, Boris began, wishing to sting her; but at that instant the galling thought occurred to him that he might have to leave Moscow without having accomplished his, Sonya too was busy all this time, but the, The battle of Tarutino obviously did not attain the, The war may be studied from the military point of view as an extreme example of what Clausewitz calls "war with a restricted, In rejecting the League Covenant, he said " we make no surrender of our hope and, If now the question be asked what purpose or, After his retirement Colomb devoted himself rather to the history of naval warfare, and to the large principles disclosed by its intelligent study, than to experimental inquiries having an immediate practical, In spite of his numerous engagements, Burnell found time to aggrandize his bishopric, to provide liberally for his nephews and other kinsmen, and to pursue his cherished but futile, The lopeared breed is the oldest English variety, and has been cultivated carefully since about 1785, the, The schools are unsectarian in character and mainly democratic in government: the, The reactionary policy thus indicated gave the impression that a similar, The councils of the conspirators were weakened by divided opinions as to the ultimate, The ancient philosophers sought through their philosophy to attain to a nobler and holier life, and this also was the, Autour consists of seven letters, on the origin and, Casuistry might insist that it only proposed to fix the minimum of a minimum, and beg them for their soul's sake to, The usual criticisms on Tribonian may be found in the AntiTribonianus (1567) °of Francis Hotman, the, The history of international arbitration is dealt with in the article Peace, where treaties of general arbitration are discussed, both those which embrace all future differences thereafter to arise between the contracting parties, and also those more limited conventions which, In bringing together the conflicting opinions of the fathers on all the chief points of Christian dogmatics, it may be admitted that Abelard's, Broadly speaking, there have been in Hungary since 1867 two parties: those who accept the compromise with Austria, and affirm that under it Hungary, so far from having surrendered any of her rights, has acquired an influence which she previously did not actually possess, and secondly, those who see in the compromise an abandonment of the essentials of independence and, Almost simultaneously with the formation of the above-mentioned committee of the academy, the " Natural Science Association " showed signs of renewed animation, and soon advanced with rapid strides in the same direction, but with a more popular, Cuvier was familiar with the speculations of the " Natur-philosophen," and with the doctrine of transmutation and filiation by which they endeavoured to account for existing animal forms. It was feared by some that Duke John might carry his ambitions so far as to, After the fall and flight of the house of Orleans, his parliamentary eloquence was never less generous in, In a word, judging the India Bill from a party point of view, we see that Burke was now completing the, On the 29th of June 1408 he and seven of his colleagues broke away from Gregory XII., and together with six cardinals of the obedience of Avignon, who had in like manner separated from Benedict XIII., they agreed to, For more than three centuries after the appearance of the Seljuks, Armenia was traversed by a long succession of nomad tribes whose one, The methods of bleaching by oxygen include all those which, 4) in dedicating the third Gospel to Theophilus tells him that his, The antagonism between certain drugs has been much studied in relation to their use as antidotes in poisoning, the, For we are, from practical grounds, compelled with at least practical necessity to ascribe a certain. Mandibulae validae corneae arcuatae, intus apicem, Minor punctuation and capitalization corrections have been made; the word “eat” appears in the original (, "It is intellect and artistic sensibility, The most powerful presentation of Theistic Evolution, And ou maiste draw twene out of twene, for ou schal leue not of e hier twene vnde, Looking towards Bray, the view is spoiled by the railway bridge, which is a leading case of engineering, The same difficulties arise in the discussion of spiritualistic theism, NARRATIVE OF A SURVEY OF THE INTERTROPICAL AND WESTERN COASTS OF AUSTRALIA] [VOLUME 2 OF 2]. Join our early testers! Contrariwise, whatsoever perfection is possessed by substance is due to no external cause; wherefore the existence of substance must arise solely from its own nature, which is nothing else but its essence. au contraire. But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; the oracles. 600 New Words And Definitions: The Latest Updates To Dictionary.com, “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. Christendom Minimizes the Apostle Paul. Synonym: contrarily, contrariwise, to the contrary. Sentiment definition is - an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling : predilection. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. After a painful childhood separated from his people and years struggling with alcoholism and crime, he helped found the American Indian Movement (AIM). Look it up now! you definition at Chinese.Yabla.com, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. 104. yet. on the flip side. Learn more. He was an essential participant in the occupation of both Wounded Knee and a Bureau of Indian Affairs Building in the early 1970s. She took careful aim and squeezed off a shot. Wikipedia ) case One of the forms of a noun, used to indicate its function in the phrase or sentence. How to use contrary in a sentence. aim. On the contrary in a sentence up(8) down(11) Sentence count:168+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2016-12-13. Thus, the perfection of a thing does not annul its existence, but, on the contrary, asserts it. Find 3 ways to say versus, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. to the contrary. The organization advocated for American Indian civil rights. Synonym Discussion of contrary. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. relinquish definition: 1. to give up something such as a responsibility or claim: 2. to unwillingly stop holding or…. It was the very, In fact, while eager for the deliverance of Italy from Austria, his, Nevertheless he not only failed to accomplish the chief, First, their independence of philosophy and the arts being assured, though they continued to regard " civic excellence " as their, Finding in the cultivation of " virtue " or " excellence " a substitute for the pursuit of scientific truth, and in disputation the sole means by which " virtue " or " excellence " could be attained, he resembled at once the sophists of culture and the sophists of eristic. on the other side of the coin. having said that. Contrariwise, certain summary offences may in certain circumstances be tried on indictment along with other offences that are themselves indictable; they do not thereby become "indictable offences" or "either way offences" but remain "summary offences", though tried by jury. To ascertain the exact meaning of the words and phraseology of the originals of the Holy Scriptures is of great importance, particularly those which have a variety of meanings in English. In any case, all her actions had as their, Regensburg, a, large circular building which has for its, In point of fact it is found that the properties which are most easily explained are those connected with the gaseous state; the explanation of these properties in terms of the molecular structure of matter is the, Under all the inconsistencies of Talleyrand's career there lies an, In January 1762 Bute was compelled to declare war against Spain, though now without the advantages which the earlier decision urged by Pitt could have secured, and he supported the war, but with no zeal and no definite, In some cases the operation of filtration is performed for the sake of removing impurities from the filtrate or liquid filtered, as in the purification of water for drinking purposes; in others the, He speaks in places as if his object was to record the wars between the Greeks and the barbarians; but as he omits the Trojan war, in which he fully believes, the expedition of the Teucrians and Dlysians against Thrace and Thessaly, the wars connected with the Ionian colonization of Asia Minor and others, it is evident that he does not really, He means this - that he is no mere ecstatic enthusiast or "dervish," whose primary, Whatever may be thought of their application of these principles, there is no mistaking the deeply religious, Gioja's latest work Filosofia della statistica (2 vols., 1826; p vols., 1829-1830) contains in brief compass the essence of his ideas on human life, and affords the clearest insight into his, The book's method and form are pervadingly allegorical; its instinct and, And of this elemental mode of apprehension and root-truth, the Johannine Gospel is the greatest literary document and incentive extant: its ultimate, Thus the recent defenders of the apostolic authorship, the Unitarian James Drummond (1903), the Anglican William Sanday (1905), the Roman Catholic Theodore Calmes (1904), can tell us, the first, that " the evangelist did not, The establishment in Austria of universal suffrage in 1907 had as its, That science must be left free to determine the, by defective sight, was destined for the church, and with this, They left all the dogmas and institutions of the Church untouched; aspiring above and beyond these, their, In Greek monachism the old Hellenic ideal of the wise man who has no wants (abraprcaa) was from the first fused with the Christian conception of unreserved self-surrender to God as the highest, These ideas governed it in medieval times also, and in this way monastic life received a decided bent towards mysticism: the monks strove to realize the heavenly life even upon earth, their highest, In the years of conflict that followed Gregory looked far beyond this point; he set his, Contemporary with him were Hugh of St Victor and his pupil Richard of St Victor, both monks of the abbey of St Victor at Paris, the, The persecutions, sometimes revolting in their cruelty, to which (on account of their pro-Ally sympathies) the Czechs were subjected during the first two years of the war, had the effect of uniting all the different political parties into one single national block; and when the Austrian Parliament was at length convoked in May 1917 the Czech parties made a unanimous declaration that it was their, Well-organized continuation schools and systematic courses of lectures, But the pressure from the representatives of some of the states, notably Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, compelled him to incorporate in the Tariff Act certain specific duties borrowed from the Tariff Acts then in force in these states, which had a distinctly protective, In spite of his political reforms, he opposed the admission of the plebeians to the consulship and priestly offices; and, although these reforms might appear to be democratic in character and calculated to give preponderance to the lowest class of the people, his probable, This was notably the case as regards his dealings with the old enemy of his race, the Teutonic Order, whose destruction was the chief, Thus Cyrenaicism goes beyond the critical scepticism of the Sophists and deduces a single, universal, In April 1622 Laud, by the king's orders, took part in a controversy with Percy, a Jesuit, known as Fisher, the, Passing to the more indirect influence of Laud on his times, we can observe a narrowness of mind and, Sturm, in making the imitation of the Latin classics the main, Instruction, he declares, is but the least part of education; his, Further efficiency in classical education has been the, During the 18th century, in Greek as well as in Latin, the general, As in the Protestant schools, the principal, In the age of Bismarck, school policy in Prussia had for its, Schools of the Frankfort type take French as their only foreign language in the first three years of the course, and, In 1908 the average school year was nine and seven-tenths months - ten in the cities and nine and four-tenths in the counties; the, - lxvi., however, are not by Isaiah, but are the work of a prophet who wrote about 540 B.C., shortly before the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus, and whose, Jeremiah was keenly conscious of his people's sin; and the, The dominant theory at the time when Job was written was that all suffering was a punishment of sin; and the, the Massoretic. Contrariwise, that Penelope now remembers the lecture is sufficient for inferring that it was given in the past. Meanings Synonyms Sentences Quotes Spanish My aim is perfect! Conversely definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. 137. in spite of that. Romans 1:2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) Psalm 119:140 Thy word is … The Man of Lawlessness … 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12 in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. How to use sentiment in a sentence. on the contrary. then again. As one of the original founders of the American Indian Movement (AIM), Clyde Bellecourt (born 1939) has long been an activist for the rights of Native Americans. in opposition. The Cynics more boldly discarded both pleasure and mere custom as alike irrational; but in so doing they left the freed reason with no definite, Pleasure, in Aristotle's view, is not the primary constituent of well-being, but rather an inseparable accident of it; human well-being is essentially well-doing, excellent activity of some kind, whether its, He plainly says that the subject does not admit of completely scientific treatment; his, 1 This cardinal term is commonly translated " happiness "; and it must be allowed that it is the most natural term for what we (in English) agree to call " our being's end and, In man, as in every other animal, from the moment of birth natural impulse prompts to the maintenance of his physical frame; then, when reason has been developed and has recognized itself as its own sole good, these " primary ends of nature " and whatever promotes these still constitute the outward objects at which reason is to, God is the only real Being; evil is essentially unreal and incognizable; the true, Since, then, all the voluntary actions of men tend to their own preservation or pleasure, it cannot be reasonable to, In his treatise on Eternal and Immutable Morality his main, We might infer from this that the intellect, so judging, is itself the proper and complete determinant of the will, and that man, as a rational being, ought to, He first follows Shaftesbury in exhibiting the social affections as no less natural than the appetites and desires which tend directly to self-preservation; then reviving the Stoic view of the prima naturae, the first objects of natural appetites, he argues that pleasure is not the primary, The latter are " necessarily presupposed " as distinct impulses in " the very idea of an interested pursuit "; since, if there were no such pre-existing desires, there would be no pleasure for self-love to, Wollaston's theory of moral evil as consisting in the practical contradiction of a true proposition, closely resembles the most paradoxical part of Clarke's doctrine, and was not likely to approve itself to the strong common sense of Butler; but his statement of happiness or pleasure as a " justly desirable " end at which every rational being " ought " to, Accordingly, it is the development of benevolence in man, and of the habit of " living for others," which Comte takes as the ultimate, The exclusion of private happiness from the ends at which it is a duty to, Of later poets, down to more recent times, perhaps the best was Sigurd of Broadfirth, many of whose prettiest poems were composed in Greenland like those of Jon Biarnisson before him, c. 1750; John Thorlaksson's translation of Milton's great epic into Eddic verse is praiseworthy in intention, but, as may be imagined, falls far short of its, The revolutionist, as he would recommend him to be, is a consecrated man, who will allow no private interests or feelings, and no scruples of religion, patriotism or morality, to turn him aside from his mission, the, When the anti-slavery society was formed in 1823, Wilberforce and Clarkson became vice-presidents; but before their, It represents in his system the ideal and, " And let us not forget," he added, " that that is the ultimate goal at which all we Irishmen, The papal prohibition of lay investiture was renewed at synods in 1078 and 1080, and although Gregory's death in exile (1085) prevented him from realizing his, But while the theologian incessantly postulated the agency of that God whose nature he deemed beyond the pale of science, the philosopher, following a purely human and natural, From first to last Arabian philosophers made no claim to originality; their, Man has a rational soul, one face of which is turned towards the body, and, by the help of the higher aspect, acts as practical understanding; the other face lies open to the reception and acquisition of the intelligible forms, and its, He first applied to the theological schoolmen, who grounded their religion on reason; but their, Between these and the main narrative is inserted the writer's own preface, in which he explains the source and, The self-love theory of Hobbes, with its subtle perversions of the motives of ordinary humanity, led to a reaction which culminated in the utilitarianism of Bentham and the two Mills; but their theory, though superior to the extravagant egoism of Hobbes, had this main defect, according to Herbert Spencer, that it conceived the world as an aggregate of units, and was so far individualistic.
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