ESG and Sustainable Investments. Certain DWS products and services may not be available in every region or country for legal or other reasons, and information about these products or services is not directed to those investors residing or located in any such region or country. $62.4 bn AUM* 350+ dedicated on-the-ground professionals; 22 cities worldwide; 50+ years fiduciary experience; Deep insights from a research-driven approach, along with a bottom-up view from portfolio, asset management and transaction professionals shape decisions in core and non-core real estate and real estate debt. Investments come with risk. DWS ist der Markenname für den Geschäftsbereich Asset Management der Deutsche Bank AG und ihrer Tochtergesellschaften. DWS [Real Estate - Europe] 2020 Real Estate Top 150 ranking: 18. Learn more > *As of 12/31/19 $62.4 bn AUM* 350+ dedicated on-the-ground professionals; 22 cities worldwide; 50+ years fiduciary experience; Deep insights from a research-driven approach, along with a bottom-up view from portfolio, asset management and transaction professionals shape decisions in core and non-core real estate and real estate debt. Regions. 2020 Q4 - Assets under management. Clemens Schäfer kennt das Geschäft mit Immobilien seit nunmehr 22 Jahren und hat in dieser Zeit einen beispiellosen Aufstieg der Immobilienanlagebranche erlebt. DWS Group's assets under management fell 4.3% in the fourth quarter to €662 billion ($752 billion) as of Dec. 31, driven by negative markets. And sustainability is one of our four core values at DWS. $118,182. Die DWS Group (DWS) ist einer der weltweit führenden Vermögensverwalter. 2020 Q3 - Breakdown by client type. Principal Real Estate Investors LLC : 10: DWS-Real Estate : WW AUM Real Estate Equity Mortgages Timber Farmland Mezzanine Hybrid Debt Loans ; $133,272. Proprietary real estate fund 3 name . AUM from central banks . See what DWS sees, and what it may mean for you. To access this market, consider DWS RREEF Real Estate Securities Fund and DWS, an experienced real estate investor. Anke Weinreich, DWS-Fondsmanagerin des grundbesitz europa spricht im Interview über das Immobilienjahr 2020, die aktuelle Portfolio-Allokation und die Agenda für 2021. Für mehr Informationen über Global Real Estate SustainabilityBenchmark siehe 2020 Q2 - Assets under management. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models that may prove to be incorrect. Die Kosten für Ausbau und Modernisierung der Infrastruktur gehen jedes Jahr in die Milliarden. Overview. 2020 Q3 - Assets under management. Request information. The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and your capital may be at risk. $118,182. Co-Head of Liquid Real Assets / Chief Investment Officer of Liquid Real Assets John W. Vojticek has served as a Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Real Estate & Infrastructure Securities and Global Portfolio Manager, DWS since July 2011 and was Co-Head of Americas Real Estate Securities from 2006 to July 2011. Prior to making any investment or financial decision, you should seek individualized advice from a personal financial, tax, and other professionals who are able to provide advice in the context of your particular financial situation. Anke Weinreich, DWS-Fondsmanagerin des grundbesitz europa spricht im Interview über das Immobilienjahr 2020, die aktuelle Portfolio-Allokation und die Agenda für 2021. Anke Weinreich, DWS-Fondsmanagerin des grundbesitz europa spricht im Interview über das Immobilienjahr 2020, die aktuelle Portfolio-Allokation und die Agenda für 2021. Xtrackers is the first Europe headquartered ETF business to achieve EUR 100 billion in assets under management globally. 17. Exzellente Lagen - Immobilien in ganz Europa! Die jeweils verantwortlichen rechtlichen Einheiten, die Kunden Produkte oder Dienstleistungen der DWS anbieten, werden in den entsprechenden Verträgen, Verkaufsunterlagen oder sonstigen Produktinformationen benannt. Total real estate equity AUM for DC clients . Our focus is on private debt and equity solutions in the energy, environment, employment/education, housing and financial inclusion sectors. New information and fresh insights support informed decisions. Die drei Immobilien-Publikumsfonds der grundbesitz-Familie feiern gemeinsam das 75-jährige Bestehen. Locations. DWS CH AG is regulated and supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and holds an Asset Management license for collective investment schemes as well as a Representative license for foreign collective investment schemes and headquartered in Zurich, Hardstrasse 201, 8005 Zurich. The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries such as DWS Distributors, Inc., which offers investment products, or DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C., which offer advisory services. 2020 Q3 - Assets under management. Quelle: DWS Grundbesitz GmbH, Stand: Ende Juni 2020 3 . Quelle: DWS Grundbesitz GmbH, Stand: Ende März 2020 4 . $24,200. 2020 Q4 - Assets under management. Wie geht es jetzt weiter? DWS [Real Estate - Europe] 2020 Real Estate Top 150 ranking: 18. Request information. DWS (Real Estate Homepage) 2020 Real Estate Top 150 ranking: 18. The comments, opinions and estimates contained herein are based on or derived from publicly available information from sources that we believe to be reliable. Key Data. Total TD real estate equity AUM for DC clients . Of that total, approximately $51 billion of AUM is invested in real estate securities globally, making DWS one of the largest real estate … Since the financial crisis, annual CMBS issuance has remained less than half of 2006 and 2007. $62.4 bn AUM* 350+ dedicated on-the-ground professionals; 22 cities worldwide; 50+ years fiduciary experience; Deep insights from a research-driven approach, along with a bottom-up view from portfolio, asset management and transaction professionals shape decisions in core and non-core real estate and real estate debt. By the end of 2019, we reported € 69.7 billion of dedicated ESG and sustainable AuM, € 16.5 billion of real estate investments in certified green-labelled buildings and € 862 million infrastructure investments in renewable assets. Key Data. From January 3, 2018, on, investment firms which engage in investment services under the Directive 2014/65/EU (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive – „MiFID II“) have to comply with certain new requirements for the distribution of investment funds under the respective national implementation laws in the individual Member States of the European Union. Das und mehr verrät Christian Bäcker – Fondsmanager des grundbesitz global – im Interview. Diese Website verwendet Cookies zur Verbesserung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Request information Erleben Sie einen Streifzug durch die grundbesitz-Fonds und erhalten Sie einen bewegten Einblick in moderne Bürogebäude, Hotels, Einkaufszentren und Logistikzentren in der „Welt der Immobilien“. Regions. 20+ years of experience in the microfinance space. Deep insights from a research-driven approach, along with a bottom-up view from portfolio, asset management and transaction professionals shape decisions in core and non-core real estate and real estate debt. Not FDIC Insured — No Bank Guarantee — … Regions. Der Leiter des DWS-Immobilienfonds-Geschäfts erklärt, wie die fortschreitende Urbanisierung, der Trend zu mehr Homeoffice und der Boom beim Online-Shopping die Immobilienwelt verändern – und welche Schlüsse er daraus zieht. DWS Sustainability Reports "ESG, and sustainability in its broadest sense, is of the utmost importance to DWS. $107,820-----$1,002---$250. Regions. Request information. Global footprint and AUM (€billions) €66.7 bn Total Real Estate & Infrastructure AUM Private Real Estate. The current size of the commercial real estate debt market is about $4 trillion, with around $1 trillion of this maturing over the next several years, requiring refinancing or recapitalization (estimates from Board of Governors of Federal Reserve and Moody’s Analytics, as of year-end 2018). 2020 Q2 - Breakdown by client type. 50 Jahre grundbesitz europa, 20 Jahre grundbesitz global, 5 Jahre grundbesitz Fokus Deutschland – die offenen Immobilienfonds der DWS feiern Geburtstag. People. This website belongs to DWS CH AG, an affiliate of it's parent company, Deutsche Bank AG. DWS Group's assets under management fell 4.3% in the fourth quarter to €662 billion ($752 billion) as of Dec. 31, driven by negative markets. Stocks may decline in value. MiFID II. Green Label Assets wie LEED oder BREEAM, Daten von Dezember 2019. Assets under Management (AUM), Stand: Dezember 2019. Request information. Your use of this website indicates that you agree with the intended purpose. DWS’ real estate business in the U.S. dates back to 1975. Key Data. Total AUM grew 3.4% to €793 billion ($974 billion), the firm said in an update Thursday. Real estate. We do not guarantee their accuracy. Climate change, energy needs and water scarcity are counted among the biggest challenges of our century. 2020 Q3 - Assets under management. NO INVESTOR NAME AUM VOLUME IN mln; 1: AXA Investment Managers - Real Assets: € 56,598 mln: 2: Swiss Life Asset Managers: € 55,700 mln: 3: Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield It is currently headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany and has €793 billion of assets under management (AUM) as of 31 December 2020. None of the content should be viewed as a suggestion that you take or refrain from taking any action nor as a recommendation for any specific investment product, strategy, plan feature or other such purpose. The underlying assumptions and these views are subject to change without notice. You might not get back the amount originally invested at any point in time. Explanations and model calculation Acceptance: An investor would like to purchase units for 1000 Euro. People. 2020 Q3 - Assets under management. Of that total, approximately $51 billion of AUM is invested in real estate securities globally, making DWS one of the largest real estate … Gelungene Vielfalt - Investieren in der ganzen Welt! 2020 Q4 - Breakdown by client type. 2020 Q2 - Breakdown by client type. A part of the Alternatives platform, the real estate business manages assets worth €60 billion as of June 30, 2019. Doch gut diversifizierte Immobilienfonds zeigen ihre Stärken im Depot. This material is for informational purposes only and sets forth our views as of this date. Not for public viewing or distribution. Weltweit vertrauen Kunden der DWS als Anbieter für integrierte Anlagelösungen. Request information. The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries, such as DWS Distributors, Inc., which offers investment products, or DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C., which offer advisory services. Drei Geburtstage und noch mehr gute Gründe, um zu feiern! Auch am Immobilienmarkt ging das Coronavirus nicht spurlos vorbei. Our mission is to deliver superior long-term, risk-adjusted returns, yield-generating opportunities, preservation of capital, and diversification. Contact Us. Sie blickt auf mehr als 60 Jahre Erfahrung zurück und ist in Deutschland und Europa für ihre exzellenten Leistungen bekannt. Overview. The brand DWS represents DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and any of its subsidiaries such as DWS Distributors, Inc., which offers investment products, or DWS Investment Management Americas, Inc. and RREEF America L.L.C., which offer advisory services. Was Infrastruktur für Anleger so besonders machen könnte. © 2020 DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA. DWS [Real Estate - Europe] 2020 Real Estate Top 150 ranking: 18. Past performance is not indicative of future results. He was also the driving force behind the growth of the “spezialfonds” institutional client platform in Germany, growing its AUM from €700m (£615m) to around €8bn. DWS expands responsible investment Xtrackers range with addition of emerging markets ESG equity ETF For institutional client and registered representative use only. Principal Real Estate Investors LLC : 10: DWS-Real Estate : WW AUM Real Estate Equity Mortgages Timber Farmland Mezzanine Hybrid Debt Loans ; $133,272. All rights reserved. DWS is a leading fiduciary infrastructure investment manager. With a heritage spanning 50 years in Europe, DWS has built a leading full-service, global real estate investment business with more than 400 professionals and staff located in 25 cities around the world. Actual Assets Under Management (AUM) is this value plus cash (which is not disclosed). Key Data. Contact Us. Dez 2020 Immobilien Stand: 31. Learn more > *As of 12/31/19 Key Data. Contact Us. Keep up with the latest research topics in the infrastructure markets through this brief monthly update. DWS (Real Estate Homepage) 2020 Real Estate Top 150 ranking: 18. Total real estate AUM for DC clients . An actively managed, fundamental, research-driven approach supports all activities in real estate securities, infrastructure securities, and active commodity investment. Co-Head of Liquid Real Assets / Chief Investment Officer of Liquid Real Assets John W. Vojticek has served as a Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of Real Estate & Infrastructure Securities and Global Portfolio Manager, DWS since July 2011 and was Co-Head of Americas Real Estate Securities from 2006 to July 2011. Our team specializes in transportation, utilities, telecommunications and other critical service sectors. Locations. Any fund that concentrates in a particular segment of the market will generally be more volatile than a fund that invests more broadly. $107,820-----$1,002---$250. 2020 Q3 - Breakdown by client type. This website is intended to be a general communication and is provided for informational and/or educational purposes only. Warum die Sektoren Logistik und Wohnen zu seinen Favoriten gehören? Overview. DWS Group (DWS) is one of the world's leading asset managers. This springs from the fiduciary obligations central to us as an asset manager. Total AUM grew 3.4% to €793 billion ($974 billion), the firm said in … Locations. Net flows (% of BoP AuM) <65% adj. $88 billion in assets under management (as of March 31, 2018), we offer a range of strategies across the alternatives spectrum, including direct real estate and infrastructure, real estate and infrastructure securities ... DWS and Institutional Real Estate Americas are not affiliated. DWS also attracted record net inflows in 2020, CEO Asoka Woehrman said in a news release. Request information. Content. Not FDIC Insured — No Bank Guarantee — … AUM from non-government retirement plans . People. DWS Grundbesitz GmbH
People. DWS Group counts €719 billion in AUM, as of 30 June 2019. View this video to learn more. Mainzer Landstraße 11-17, 60329 Frankfurt am Main. Ulrich Steinmetz, verantwortlich für die offenen Immobilienfonds der DWS, über dauerhaft positive Renditen, den Erfolgsfaktor Diversifikation und was ihn persönlich mehr reizt: Architektur oder Rendite. If last log in date shown is incorrect, please contact us.
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