An English surname, variant of Forster. FOSTER PARENT HANDBOOK (March 2012) County of San Diego HHSA Child Welfare Services & Grossmont College Foster, Adoptive & Kinship Care Education 2 The Gonzalez family applied to become foster parents three years ago when their daughter was five. See 9 authoritative translations of Foster in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. In the interest of better serving the needs of Spanish-speaking families and professionals who work with them, Child Welfare Information Gateway developed this glossary to ensure consistency and cultural relevance in our publications. ... His first conviction was entered when he was 17 for the offence of leaving his foster home without the permission of his foster parents. +7 definitions . English: nickname from Middle English foster ‘foster parent’ (Old English fostre, a derivative of fostrian ‘to nourish or rear’). Foster definition: If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a period of time, without... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples foster translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'foster child',foster home',foster mother',foster parent', examples, definition, conjugation foster parents: persons who look after a child who is not theirs either by blood or by adoption. Results for foster parent translation from English to Tagalog. No translations Add Similar phrases. Translation for 'foster parent' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations. The Foster Parent Law consists of extensive legislative findings regarding the essential role of foster parents, as well as a list of foster parents’ rights and responsibilities. English: reduced form of Forster. Foster Name Meaning. English to Khmer Meaning :: foster. The basic domestic unit is the nuclear family household, sometimes also including an aged parent or a foster child. foster care. (7) Many of these campers have been in and out of the foster care system and are not quick to trust or accept love from a person until that person proves to be dependable. They knew they wanted more children and infertility issues arose after their daughter was born. The beneficiary can be the biological parent, the adoptive parent, the foster parent, the master of an apprentice, the guardian, or any other person with whom a child has been temporarily placed. FOSTER meaning in tamil, FOSTER pictures, FOSTER pronunciation, FOSTER translation,FOSTER definition are included in the result of FOSTER meaning in tamil at, a free online English tamil Picture dictionary. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. An English surname, variant of Forster. API call; Human contributions. Jewish: probably an Americanized form of one or more like-sounding Jewish surnames, such as Forster. Translate Foster.
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