They’re used once and then thrown away. But something else is happening too.Not far from the waxed floors of the terminals and the automated voice proclaiming the end of the moving walkway, there's a school. JROTC Students Participate in the November 11, 2017 Veterans Day Parade! Go Flyers! We look forward to welcoming all of our guests back for the 2019-2020 school year! This guidance counselor will remain with the student throughout their high school career until graduation. Guidance Counselors for students can be found on the portal for all students. On September 28, 2016 Aviation High School was open to parents to participate in our Meet the Departments night! To streamline the process, we are asking all students to work with their parents/guardians to log into their NYC Student Account ( to consent to COVID-19 testing (Once logged in click on the “Manage Account” and then “Consent Forms.”)  Consenting online means that you will not have to complete a paper form. Thank you guests and supporters for participating in the Women in Aviation activities all year! Aviation High School is a Top 100 W!se School! Go Flyers! On Saturday, September 24, 2016 Delta transported 45 of our students to attend the WING Flight - Women Inspiring our Next Generation held at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum! On September 11, 2018, members of Aviation High School's Color Guard and Drill Team and JROTC program participated in a 9/11 Memorial Flag Ceremony. A one-page summary stating why you wish to attend college/technical school, and why you need financial help. #jetblue #womeninaviation. Students and parents will meet their guidance counselor at least once each term to assess their academic progress to date and plan for the progression of courses for the following terms. Aviation High School's Boys Varsity Basketball team wins big on Wednesday, November 30, 2017 against Wagner High School during the first home game and homecoming of the season! Director of Guidance Dodd Terry 856-223-2713 . account for the latest updates from all your classes and groups. #fdny, With the support of PENCIL and JetBlue, nine senior students and chaperones were provided with round trip travel to visit colleges and universities in Boston, Massachusetts on Monday, January 28, 2019! Our Guidance Department: Mrs. Kelly Royal: School Counselor (student last names A - L) Mrs. Kerri Mantz: School Counselor (student last names M - Z) Mr. Scott Mohler: College & Career Planning/Financial Aid Advisor. Pictured: Top - Science Assistant Principal, Ms. Nearon, Retired Principal, Ms. Taylor, Retired USAF Staff, Chief Richardson, Current USAF Staff, MSgt Williams, Current USAF Staff, Col. Barberides, Aviation Maintenance Assistant Principal, Mr. Sosa, Principal, Mr. Jackson, NYPD Police Commissioner O'Neil, Retired Principal, Mr. Charalambous, and Retired Assistant Principal, Mr. Santiago. Live instruction will focus on aviation maintenance classes to provide students with the required live work time to enable them to earn their FAA licenses (though the complete process will take place beyond the March through June school schedule). Welcome back Class of 1979! #aviationctehs #aviationhs, Congratulations to the 2018 Division Soccer Champs! #skillsusa#aviationmaintencecompetition, On December 21, 2018 Ms. Lavallee's drama students performed their holiday show for students and staff before everyone began their Winter Recess! Congratulations graduates! Aviation High School Grading Policy 2020-2021 Updated 10-26-20.pdf. Over 300 students, parents, staff, graduates, friends and retired staff celebrated 25 years of JROTC service to the Aviation High School community! Go flyers! 754,000 Aviation Technician Jobs Through 2038! #aviationhs #aviationctehs. Only random students will be selected for temperature checks if they show their screening on their phone. #aviationhs #aviationctehs. Alumni, employers, and Aviation High School community members participated in Career Day class presentations on Thursday, March 22, 2018! To schedule an appointment please click here. Email Kesha Blake 718-621-8800. 2. Students are assigned based on the first letter of their last name as well as their grade level. Note: It is not necessary to include your transcript. #aviationhs #aviationctehs, The boys handball defeated John Bowne High School by a scored of 5-0 in the first round of the playoffs on Friday, May 11, 2018! Signature of Applicant _____ E-mail Address _____ _ FAQ From Principal Jackson - Updated! Students participated by writing their names on colored post-its that correspond to the character traits they hold most important. Welcome to the Counseling Office! Our counselors provide academic, socio-personal and career/college support services to all students. We encourage everyone to bring their reusable bottle to reduce the amount of plastic water bottles that are used each day in school! #avstudentgovernment, On Friday, April 12, 2019, students from Ms. Bilgin's Social Studies class participated in the United Nations Model UN (MUN) Impact Youth Summit! Mrs. Margie Hadley: Guidance Secretary 8 talking about this. Our SPARK Counselor Mr. Foran, gave our parents a presentation on Vaping, Current drug trends and Prevention in November 2019. They provided our prospective families with Coffee and Treats and valuable insight, on what it means to be a Parent of a student at Aviation High School. If you have any questions regarding placement, or if you feel you would like to … #aviation #classof2023, On Monday, June 3, 2019, the Aviation High School Color Guard and Drill Team held its annual banquet to celebrate the 85th year of the team and introduce the new officers for the 2019-2020 school year! On May 4, 2018, Aviation High School's Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) NY 932 celebrated its 25th anniversary with a banquet held at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, NY! Thank you Mr. Stern and Mr. R. Jackson for your visit! Aviation High School's Color Guard and Drill Team present the colors at the April 15, 2018 JFK Runway Run and cheer on school staff to complete the 5k race! (In the picture the girls basketball coach presents the Rising Star and MVP awards to the players. ", The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Name: Dr. Michael Koumoullos, Assistant Principal of Pupil Personnel ServicesAddress: 45-30 36th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101Telephone Number: (718) 361-2032, extension 1351Email: #aviationhs#aviationctehs #amts #charlestaylor #deltaairlines, Physical Education teachers, Ms. Alexandrou and Ms. Mafla, organized a staff vs. students volleyball game on Wednesday, May 24, 2018! #aviation #womeninaviation, Welcome Class of 2023! Aviation High School's JROTC NY-932 unit celebrated the Spring 2019 Change of Command of key staff on Thursday, February 7, 2019! The Counseling Team - Aviation High School - Long Island City, New York Ms. Kerry Donohue Counselor - Students entering 2013 Room 135 The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides some typical duties that a school guidance counselor may perform: Evaluating students’ abilities and interests through aptitude assessments, interviews, and individual … If you need us to send you the registration code, please complete this form. Ms. Lavallee's senior drama class performs Shakespeare's "As You Like It" on Friday, June 2, 2017. Connect with code S5HLZV to get instant alerts or log in with your eChalk user #nyairportnews Read Aviation High School's 2018-2019 Quality Snapshot Here! On March 8, 2017, JetBlue Donated 49 Tablets for Use in Our Senior Airframe Hangar Classes! School 2020-2021 DOE Learning Preference Survey, Link to All School-Based COVID-19 School Closure Letters. Get real time school updates on your mobile device with eChalk Notify. Click here to be taken to the list of counselors. On Thursday, June 13, 2019, the class of 2019 enjoyed the senior class picnic and received their yearbooks! Many teams including the boys basketball, handball, boys volleyball and wrestling teams led winning seasons in the 2017-2018 school year! Pictures 5, 6 & 7: Doors throughout the building! By Tim Genc September 28, 2020., DiMaggio, Tara. Please note the following reminders and updates for the reopening of Aviation High School. #curtisswright. 1050 Cavalier Way, Roebuck, SC 29376 Phone: (864) 582 … Marluy Izaguirre Born Guidance Counselor. Come cheer the team on as they compete in the boys cross country championship finals this Saturday, November 10 at 10:30 am! Guidance Counselor, Ms. Orrei Guidance Counselor, Ms Johnson Guidance Counselor, Mr. Mercado Guidance Counselor, Ms. Zachariah Social Worker, Ms. McDowell Nurse, Ms. Harris CST (Dr. Witcher, Ms. Morton, Ms. Baasit) Parent Liaison, Mr. Jenkins Attendance Counselor, Mr. Robinson Please be sure to closely follow all coronavirus safety protocols and procedures to ensure that everyone stays safe and healthy, and to help keep Aviation High School open while the city continues to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. On June 29, 2017 School Safety Agent Level III Fogle is honored with an award for outstanding service by the NYPD SSA Division. Teachers will call you during the time window you choose, below. Congrats to Aviation High School's SkillsUSA team! On Saturday, October 6, 2018 Aviation High School's Air Force JROTC NY-932 Corps participated in the Astoria, Queens' Columbus Day Parade. World Premiere of Ms. Park's Music Club band, Aviation Studios, cover of The White Stripes "Seven Nation Army"! On Saturday, June 3, 2017 parents learn how to complete a Basic Electricity I circuit project with our student's help. Here they are in the entrance of our school fund raising and engaging Aviation High School Families. #aviation, Aviation High School SkillsUSA students once again competed against adult aviation maintenance technicians at the 2019 Aerospace Maintenance Competition in Atlanta, Georgia (April 8, 2019 through April 11, 2019)! Return to 2020 - Student and Family FAQ Updated September 30 2020.pdf. "No student shall, on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, disability, or age be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits, or otherwise be subject to unlawful discrimination under any Career and Technical Education program or activity. You must use this account to complete your health screening. Register to Receive a Call from your Child's Teacher by Clicking here! On Wednesday, November 28, 2018, students and staff participated in a dodgeball tournament to help the Environmental Club raise money for conservationist causes! It will keep your water cold all day, and when you bring your reusable bottle everywhere you go, you show that one person’s actions make a difference for our city and our planet. "I have always loved school lunches! Ms. DiGiorgio, School Counselor Aviation High School-Room 230 Parents if you would like to set up an appointment to discuss you child's college plans please contact me by calling 718-361- 2032 or by email at #aviationhs #aviationctehs #jrotcny932, Looking to join a team or club!? Go Flyers! The High School Equivalency & Replacement Diploma Office Records Request Transcripts; New Student Enrollment (grades 10-12) Forms; Dorman High School Success... A Cavalier Tradition. You may have heard in the news that when the Chancellor decides that we are allowed to open our doors again, every student must have an updated COVID-19 testing consent form on file. Alumnus, Jessica Duke, talks about her work experience at Pratt & Whitney. Go Flyers! Our JFK International Airport Annex students participated in a job shadowing event hosted by Delta Airlines and Junior Achievement of New York on Thursday, October 26, 2017! Feel free to check back here to get the latest information regarding admissions into Aviation High School. The principal or guidance counselor will schedule and appointment for the parent to review the materials. According to the BLS, high school guidance counselor requirements include a master's degree. The Counseling Office is open for all students and their families from 7:55 am to 4:25 pm (8 am to 3 pm during COVID Blended Learning). The burger was good. (2018). DO NOT MISS ANY SHOP ZOOMS! Click here to request an IPad from the DOE. Click here (or the image) to read the interview! Aviation High School Fifth Year and senior students enjoyed a visit and presentation from Embraer on Tuesday, December 4, 2018! Students: Click here to request an appointment with a counselor. Welcome Class of 2022! #holidayshow2018. The Counseling Office is open for all students and their families from 7:55 am to 4:25 pm (8 am to 3 pm during COVID Blended Learning). #firstrobotics @avhs_scienceleadership, JetBlue sponsored five students from Aviation High School's new Women in Aviation chapter to attend the 2019 International Women in Aviation Conference in Long Beach, California on March 14 and 15, 2019! #skillsusa2019, During April 2019 the Gay Straight Alliance invited Aviation students to celebrate the reveal of the Campaign for Change slogan winner, "Words are EASY to say, but HARD to forget," by Massiel Ortiz. Chancellor Carranza, NY State Senator, Assemblywoman Nolan, City Council Member Van Bramer and Superintendent Lindsey Visit Mr. Hendrickson's Senior Propeller Class on April 13, 2018! The students visited MIT during their tour (pictured here).#pencilmentoring #jetblue #collegeaccessforall, On Sunday, January 13, 2019, Aviation High School's robotics team hosted the FIRST Lego League middle school qualifier! On Thursday, April 27, 2017 our JROTC students received a visit from former Nebraska Senator and Medal of Honor Navy Seal Officer Bob Kerry. Assistant Principal Administration/Guidance. Deep Inside New York's JFK Airport, There's A High School  "New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport is among the busiest in the country: More than 1,000 flights touch down and take off each day. Thank you to all Career Day volunteers for educating our students on the many career paths open to Aviation High School graduates! In order to process all requests, this form will close at 8:00 am on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. Aviation High School Online Learning Environment & Resources for Students, Parents and Staff! Face-to-Face Students will be able to meet with their counselor in Student Services at their scheduled time. Follow Us on Social Media! Guidance Counselor. Join Zoom Meeting, Meeting ID: 914 9815 8258 Passcode: 802209 One tap mobile +16465189805,,91498158258# US (New York) +19292056099,,91498158258# US (New York), Dial by your location         +1 646 518 9805 US (New York)         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 914 9815 8258 Find your local number:, YouTube Link: There is a button on the log in page to reset your password, if you have forgotten in. Why BRING IT?Humans around the world purchase a staggering one million plastic bottles per minute! Members from our  Parent Executive Board joined us for our October 2019 Parent teacher conferences. Aviation Maintenance teacher, Mr. Dookie, played Taps while the ceremony was broadcast to the school community. #parentsassociation #aviation, On Friday, May 10, 2019, the UNICEF and International Clubs held a music, game and dance filled Multicultural Night! Next event: Career Day, Wednesday, March 13, 2019! #aviationhs #aviationctehs#deltaairlines #doementorprogram, On Saturday, October 27, 2018, hundreds of prospective eighth grade students and parents braved the heavy rain and wind to tour Aviation High School during the 2018 Open House! Your temperature will be checked as you enter if you use the paper form. Aviation High School's SkillsUSA Information! Congratulations, Lesly! #unicef, The New York Association of SkillsUSA has recognized Aviation High School's SkillsUSA team and adviser, Mr. Dookie, as a Gold Chapter of Excellence for 2019! Need help? Every student at Aviation High School will have access to a certified school counselor who is empowered with the knowledge, skills, connections, and resources to promote student success in the school, the home, the community, and the world. Thank you to all who participated. Our students were very thankful that each of the approximately 30 companies spent the day at our school! Please submit your questions earlier by clicking here. From 8 am to 3:30 pm, students deployed hoses, broke down doors, saved unconscious victims and crawled through a winding maze in firefighting uniforms! Connect with code S5HLZV to get instant alerts or log in with your eChalk user #avationhs #aviationctehs #jetblue #pencilorg, Congratulations Class of 2018 5th Year Graduates! If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact to request assistance. It's really understanding and answering the fundamental question: Was there life outside Earth?". #aviation #memorialday2019 #jrotc #jrotcny932. On Monday, June 17, 2019 Fifth Year students graduated with both their Federal Aviation Administration Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) licenses! Senior Gets Flight Training from Fly for the Culture! Watch the video here! Boodram, Kasha. Alumni Visit Aviation High School on March 8, 2017 During Career Day to Talk About How Their Careers and Advise for Our Students' Future! Aviation High School - Long Island City, New York, 45-30 36th Street On September 28, 2017 Aviation High School was open to parents to participate in our Meet the Departments night! More than 50 million passengers hurry through its gates each year. Our FIRST Robotics Team, the Quantum Samurai (Team 1601), competed on March 25 through March 27, 2019, at the SBPLI Regional Competition held at Hofstra University along with teams from the United States, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mumbai, Norway, Istanbul, Shanghai, and New Taipei City! Guidance Counselor. Thank you Delta Air Lines and Junior Achievement of New York! High school guidance counselor positions require significant formal … Next stop Nationals! 28 talking about this. #avbasketball #psal, Aviation High School clubs joined together to celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday, November 16, 2018! Re-Opening Forum With the Principal - Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 7:00 pm, Parent Teacher Conferences - March 18 and 19, 2021.…/jovenes-aprenden-en-interinat…#, Congratulations to Aviation High School's Raj Gounden (center) for taking first place in the national SkillsUSA competition for aviation maintenance technology at Louisville, Kentucky! A letter of recommendation from either a teacher or guidance counselor. #aviationcommunityfoundation #flygirls #keithobrien#bonnietiburzicaputo #vaughncollege #americanairlines, Aviation High School Color Guard and JFK annex students presented and participated in the JFK Rotary Club Children’s Holiday Part at JetBlue Hangar 81 on Tuesday, December 4, 2018. Traductions en contexte de "high school guidance counselor" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : And to think my high school guidance counselor said I'd never amount to anything. Email Norman Hoyte. Students and staff volunteering at the Citywide High School Fair at Brooklyn Tech on Saturday, September 16, 2017. Our PA executive board members came out to volunteer for our Open House on Saturday, October 19, 2019. They represent the best of Queens and New York City!". It is a Boeing 727, parked on the tarmac near the hangars and warehouses..."Read the rest of the article here! The mission of the Counseling Office is to promote student development and encourage personal/social and career development by working collaboratively with students, families, staff and the community. Welcome new and returning students! Aviation High School's Boys Varsity Basketball Team Celebrates a 2017-2018 Winning Season! Saturday school course information will be updated pending DOE approval of Saturday programs. Please use the survey in the link below to indicate if you want to opt your child into 100% remote learning or a combination of in-person and blended (online) learning for the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Your high school counselor's job is to help you succeed both in and out of school. #aviationcolorguarddrillteam #jfkrunway5k. A Message from Your School Counseling Team. Aviation High School students met JetBlue CEO Robin Hayes and Crewmembers during the Queens Public Library's "Careers in Aviation" panel discussion on Friday, August 16, 2019! 5th Year Annex Students Receive Words of Wisdom and Advice on How to Succeed in the Aviation Industry during the November 14, 2017 Council of Airline Maintenance Managers (CALMM) Meeting Held at Aviation High School's Annex at JFK International Airport. use the link below to access useful Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aircraft handbooks and manuals for your aviation maintenance courses. When you each BRING IT and carry a reusable bottle everywhere you go, you can prevent about 167 plastic bottles from ending up in our trash each year. Cindi Harvey Guidance Secretary. Thank you Aviation Community Foundation for sponsoring and Vaughn College for hosting the event! Windermere High School » Guidance » Guidance Counselors. #skillsusa #aviation, On Thursday, July 11, 2019, graduates of the Class of 1994 toured Aviation High School in celebration of their 25 year reunion! Welcome new and returning students! Gross. AFJROTC Weekly Schedule and Events - Click the Logo Below, NYPD's Aviation High School Toolbox Award. The boys wrestling team beat Middle College High School on Friday, December 7, 2018. Click here (or the image) to read the interview. The forecast is inclusive of the commercial aviation, business aviation, and civil helicopter industries, and is up from last year's 20-year forecast of 754,000. Parents and Guardians met with volunteer students and staff following a "class schedule" to learn about each department's requirements and expectations! JROTC students attend the Army West Point vs. Air Force game on November 5, 2016! Representatives from FedEx, Delta Air Lines, JetBlue, United Airlines, Panasonic, the NYPD Aviation Unit, the FDNY, AAR, Air Traffic Control, dentists, finance professionals, and more led classroom discussions about the various career path available to our students! We understand that all students need help along the way and we feel that the earlier we provide that help, the faster students get back on the right track. Please read the message from Bring It NYC! But meeting these future leaders meant even more. Students participating in Delta's mentoring program visit Delta's Atlanta Headquarters on Tuesday, May 23, 2017. On Tuesday, December 11, 2018 fifth year annex students participated in a Junior Achievement "Job Shadow" at Delta Air Lines. NPR Profiles Aviation High School's JFK Annex! #aviationhs #aviationctehs, Happy Aviation Maintenance Technician (Charles Taylor) Day, May 24, 2018, from our Delta Air Lines 5th Year Interns! clublist 2020 2021.pdf, Step 1: Baglio, Paul. We are planning for the return of the additional live aviation maintenance work period to help students make-up more FAA required practical work while in school. Based on recent job posting activity on ZipRecruiter, the High School Guidance Counselor job market in New York is not very active as few companies are …
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