... a small cluster off the coast of Hong Kong. Per capita, we are throwing away 1.53kg of waste per day. By 2020, the region’s landfill sites will be full to bursting with rubbish. “We’ve wasted all this time.” As the deluge of rubbish continues to rise, inaction is now not an option. Image: OceansAsia ... set to be held in November 2020, has already been postponed. With around seven million people, crammed into an area of 2,000 square kilometres (772 sq miles), Hong Kong is currently the fourth most densely populated place in the world (after its neighbour, Macau, and Singapore and Monaco). (For more details, please visit https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/assistancewizard/waste_red_sat.htm). WASHINGTON – Today, the Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions on 11 individuals for undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy and restricting the freedom of expression or assembly of the citizens of Hong Kong.These actions were taken pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) The report provides detailed analysis of market trends in the Hong Kong cards and payments industry. The Environmental Protection Department is closely monitoring the quantities of different types of solid waste disposed of at various waste facilities. By 2019, its existing landfills are expected to be full. “So stuff that would have been sent to China to be processed is just being put in the landfill,” says Doug Woodring, an environmental campaigner and co-founder of the Ocean Recovery Alliance, who I meet after my conversation with Chan. Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2008 (updated on 12 Jul 10) PDF. We are throwing away 11,428 tonnes of municipal solid waste into our landfills per day, or 4.17 millions tonnes per year. Hong Kong Waste Treatment and Disposal Statistics. Cambodia (1.10 kg), Vietnam (1.34 kg) and the Philippines (1.35 kg) were at the lower end of the scale. to waste in Hong Kong. The results of the monitoring work carried out between 2000 and 2019 are summarised graphically in the figures below. Hong Kong’s tourism has only piled on the pressure. Around 3,500 tons of food waste is produced each day in Hong Kong. Hong Kong residents may soon have to pay a small fee for every bag of rubbish they dispose (Credit: Alamy). While Chinese businesses were able to make use of scrap metals, plastics, and rare metals in electronic goods, it also often came with unusable and contaminated leftovers (including food and medical waste) – creating further environmental issues for Chinese cities. In May 2013, the Environment Bureau published the “Hong Kong Blueprint for Sustainable Use of Resources 2013–2022” (The Blueprint) which maps out a comprehensive strategy, targets, policies and action plans for waste management for the coming 10 years with a view to tackling the waste crisis in Hong Kong. In the densely populated Hong Kong, waste is a complex issue. Between the trees, I can see the sea glistening under the gaze of the city’s towerblocks and the steep climb of the mountains behind. Hong Kong Waste Treatment and Disposal Statistics. So far, these kinds of strategies are rare in Hong Kong, but it’s a move in the right direction, he says. Each day, some 3 662 tonnes of food waste is disposed of in Hong Kong, equivalent to some 250 double-decker buses by weight. The results of the monitoring work carried out between 2000 and 2019 are summarised graphically in the figures below. “Right now that’s lacking,” Chan says. Hong Kong’s Environmental Protection Department is also forging ahead with plans for a $10 billion dollar incinerator on Lantau (the largest of the territory’s islands, towards the south west of the region). The new legislation, announced earlier this year, should take effect by 2019, and the South China Morning Post estimates that it amounts to around $33-54 Hong Kong dollars (roughly £3-5) per household, per month. Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2006: PDF. Recycle. Livestock waste … Compared to other asian cities Hong Kong's recycling rate lacks behind that of Singapore with the overall recycling rate 30% and 61% respectively. “The problem is that right now, everything is put in one bag – food, grease, and then your paper, then your plastic – and that neutralises the value of them all,” says Woodring. The solution is far from popular with the locals, who are understandably concerned about the increased air pollution it may bring. Even so, it can only burn so much waste – about 30% of the city’s total output overall, according to Chan’s estimates. Consumers throw away shoes and clothing [versus recycle], an average of 70 pounds per person, annually. Through the existing waste recovery system, about 1.64 million tonnes of municipal solid waste were recovered in Hong Kong in 2019. Such plants may also produce biogas to fuel cars. Chan is both an environmental scientist and a politician for the Neo Democrat Party of Hong Kong, experience that has given him an unparalleled view of the social, economic and technological difficulties of saving the city from this deluge. Once in the wastewater, dyeing chemicals are difficult to remove, said Sarah Obser, head of sustainability at PFI Hong Kong, a company that provides environmental and factory audits in Asia. 8 … Hong Kong” released in March 2013 with a view to bringing improvement to the air quality and broadly achieving the AQOs by 2020. 13936, “The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization,” which President Trump issued on July 14, 2020. China is the world’s second-largest producer of municipal solid waste (MSW) and a recycling regimen is long overdue. Daily in Hong Kong, there are 253 tons of textiles sent to landfill. Unfortunately, Hong Kong has not yet developed enough of its own recycling plants to compensate for the changing policy. It covers waste from households, including bulky waste, similar waste from commerce and trade, office buildings, institutions and small businesses, as well as yard and garden waste, street sweepings, the contents of litter containers, and market cleansing waste if managed as household waste. As Chan and Woodring both point out, environmental measures do not need to challenge Hong Kong’s existing businesses: it can offer ways to generate new revenue. Of that total, 12% was recycled locally and 88% was exported to the Mainland and other economies for recycling, with an export earning of HK$5.8 billion for Hong Kong. “Because if you don’t know what you have, you don’t know how to manage it.”. What can be done? Coronavirus waste has become a new form of pollution as single-use personal protective equipment (PPE) floods our ocean. As this was far more than paper waste (24%) and plastic waste (20%), it is of imperative importance to tackle food waste in waste management. Excel Tables CSV Datasets . The Environmental Protection Department is closely monitoring the quantities of different types of solid waste disposed of at various waste facilities. Despite attempts to clean up its act, the region produced 3.7 million tonnes of municipal waste in 2015 – the highest figure for five years. Dublin, March 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Hong Kong Cards and Payments - Opportunities and Risks to 2024" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. in Hong Kong, with a share of 34% in 2017 (Figure 2). The results of the monitoring work carried out between 2000 and 2019 are summarised graphically in the figures below. On the commercial side, producers are taking up measures to reduce waste. It has already cycled through 13 landfill sites, which are now being repurposed as parks, golf courses, and sportsgrounds, with just three sites remaining open. Courtesy of UNU For this reason, there is currently little legislation on product packaging, for instance, or any other measures that could reduce waste. Hong Kong may be clean on the surface, but its public services are straining to keep a lid on its rubbish. The legistlation’s proponents point across the sea to Taipei in Taiwan, and Seoul in South Korea, which both managed to reduce waste disposal by more than 30% using similar schemes. He points out that horticulturists currently import a lot of their garden compost from as far away as the Netherlands – whereas the decomposed food waste would be a natural local source. (212) 419-8286 Story highlights. Hong Kong had once exported its waste to mainland China, but recent legislation has meant that it must process its own rubbish (Credit: Alamy). (For more details, please visit, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/assistancewizard/waste_red_sat.htm, Quantities of Solid Waste Disposed of at Landfills in 2000-2019, Quantities of Overall Construction Waste in 2000-2019. Try our corporate solution for free! But appearances are deceptive. And that could be a warning for other countries, as more and more people feel the lure of city living – meaning that environmentalists across the world will be watching Hong Kong’s next steps closely. Hong Kong police have arrested two lovers and confiscated HK$20 million worth of suspected heroin in a raid on a public housing flat that was allegedly used as a drug distribution centre. Beijing says it will “improve” the city's elections, but as Ramy Inocencio reports, critics fear it will really just help China further curb democracy. Statistics. Municipal waste is defined as waste collected and treated by or for municipalities. On October 14, 2020, the Secretary of State submitted to Congress a report pursuant to section 5(a) of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act. Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2007 (updated on 2 Jul 19) PDF. Hong Kong Waste trade: an ASEAN and global problem Waste shipments statistics Key government agencies – roles and functions ... MARCH 2020 ii CONTENTS “The Philippines is not a dumping ground!” These were the words on the placards of Filipino communities gathered at Subic Bay, around 150 [4 Mar 2021] Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for the fourth quarter of 2020 [3 Mar 2021] Provisional statistics of retail sales for January 2021 [26 Feb 2021] Hong Kong's trade in services statistics for 2019 [25 Feb 2021] External merchandise trade statistics for January 2021 Our waste stream contains a treasure trove of useful resources, much of which can be reused, recycled and recovered. “It’s supposed to be the most free economy in the world, so government officials try their best not to intervene in any way with our production lines, or consumer behaviours,” says Chan. Compared to the regional average of 10 kg in 2015, Hong Kong consumers produced the highest per capita e-waste at 21.7 kg, followed by Singapore (19.95 kg) and Taiwan (19.13 kg). It now brings around 60 million additional people to the islands per year (nearly seven times the permanent population), with around 70% coming from mainland China. We are speaking on a crisp spring morning, in the leafy university campus in Hong Kong’s New Territories. As the region’s industries moved to mainland China, the region made an active bid to attract more visitors from the mainland to boost its economy. The Environmental Protection Department is closely monitoring the quantities of different types of solid waste disposed of at various waste facilities. “If Hong Kong continues in this way, we will reach breaking point by 2020,” says Chan – an estimate supported by Hong Kong’s own Environmental Protection Department. . Last modified on Wed 1 Jul 2020 12.18 EDT. It provides values and volumes for a number of key performance indicators in the industry, including … Almost double of that Tokyo, and currently, we are solely reliant on three landfills. The sheer volume of waste, coming from so many people, makes it too difficult to sort the good from the bad after collection. “But I think it’s worth doing, because we need to recycle as much usable material as possible.”, Without new recycling plants, Hong Kong will struggle to cope with the rising tide of waste coming from its citizens and tourists (Credit: Alamy). The result is that despite repeated warnings, Hong Kong’s municipal waste had continued to grow over the last five years – and the government will need to act quickly before all the territory’s landfills have been exhausted. Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2005: PDF. They accounted for more than 98% of the total business units (1) and provided job opportunities to more than 1.2 million persons, about 44.5% … When I first meet Chan King Ming at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, it is difficult to imagine that the region is facing an environmental disaster. Hong Kong’s cuisine and shopping malls are both among the key attractions, meaning that each of those visitors will generate a lot of additional food and packing waste. If you liked this story, sign up for the weekly bbc.com features newsletter, called “If You Only Read 6 Things This Week”. “Even if you sort wet waste from dry, it’s so much easier for anyone to get some value from it.”, Woodring would also like people and companies to calculate a “plastic footprint” – akin to the “carbon footprint” for greenhouse emissions – so that people are more conscious of the waste they are creating. The city's existing landfills are set to be full by 2018. In the meantime, municipal waste continues to rise unabatedly, surging 80 percent over the past 30 years, while Hong Kong’s population has grown 36 percent, according to the government. Woodring, for instance, points out that Pacific Coffee (one of the city’s ubiquitous US-style coffee houses) has recently implemented its own recycling scheme, where you can return your used lids in return for a free refill, which helps the company to collect recycled materials while also increasing customer loyalty. There is not a single discarded plastic bottle or used newspaper in sight. Top ten wealthiest people in Hong Kong, China as of 2020 U.S. exports of trade goods to Hong Kong 1985-2020 Solid waste quantities at landfills in Hong Kong 2019, by waste category Masks are an increasingly common sight, even on the beaches of remote islands. The central government finally set out waste sorting plans in March 2017 that aim to recycle 35 per cent of waste in 46 major cities, including Shanghai, by 2020. “We need them to boost our economy, but there are also drawbacks,” says Chan. He is @d_a_robson on Twitter. Read about our approach to external linking. This statistic represents the import value of consumer oriented agricultural products in Hong Kong in 2019, by category. At the same time, we must reduce waste at source by cutting down on unnecessary consumption 1 Our Vision for Sustainable Use of Resources and promote source separation – especially with respect to food waste. 'Covid waste': disposable masks and latex gloves turn up on seabed – video ... Mon 8 Jun 2020 11.42 EDT. David Robson is BBC Future’s feature writer. Hong Kong Population Projections 2020-2069 . Chan is more enthusiastic about plans to build a food processing plant on Lantau, which would recycle waste from the commercial kitchens around the airport. In Hong Kong, 3,565 tonnes of food waste, the largest component of all municipal solid waste, was dumped into landfills in the New Territories every day … “We are moving in the direction of unsustainable urbanisation,” says Chan. Hong Kong’s own Environmental Protection Department, fourth most densely populated place in the world. At this rate, it will only be a matter of a few years before those too begin to overflow. Chan’s impatience is clear throughout our conversation: the problem has been apparent for at least a decade, he says, but progress has been slow, with endless discussions in place of decisive policy. As at September 2020, there were over 340 000 SMEs in Hong Kong. As a result, the government decided to ban the importing of unprocessed materials – a move known as a “Green Fence” – in the hope that other countries would clean up their material before selling the valuable stuff. Compounding these problems is Hong Kong’s status as a ‘free economy’, which means that the government is reluctant to impose regulations that may threaten trade. Manufacturing enterprises with fewer than 100 employees and non-manufacturing enterprises with fewer than 50 employees are regarded as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong. But these schemes need further government support, including a better system that forces families and businesses to separate the different kinds of waste – food, plastics, glass – at the source, before it is collected. Waste: The Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO) provides a framework for control on the collection, treatment and disposal of all waste types. The territory may also benefit from further e-waste ‘upcycling’ factories, allowing manufacturers to extract valuable raw materials for export – a move that could further boost Hong Kong’s economy. FACTSHEET on HIV/AIDS Situation in Hong Kong [2019](PDF File) 04/2020 HIV risk behavioural survey for ethnic minorities (Filipinos and Indonesians) in Hong Kong 2019 (PDF File) 02/2020 HARiS - HIV and AIDS Response Indicator Survey 2018 for Men who have Sex with Men (PDF File) 05/2019 Burning the waste should shrink it to around a tenth of its size. Along with many other countries, Hong Kong had once offloaded some of its rubbish to mainland China for recycling. One big step will be the introduction of a “waste charge”, which would force locals to pay around $0.11 Hong Kong dollars (around £0.01) for each litre of rubbish collected. The territory generates around 6.4 million tons of waste each year but is able to collect and process only a minimal portion of recyclable waste. A report released by the department on Thursday shows that Hong Kong landfills received municipal solid waste at a rate of 1.45kg per capita every day … If 25% of the food currently being lost or wasted globally were saved, it would be enough to feed 870 …
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