Core Documents. During the preparation of the PSP Plan, Oldbury-on-Severn Parish Council identified the potential for limited additional housing to meet their local needs and provide sustainable development. The highest flood risk affecting the area is classified as high probability having a 1 in 100 or greater annual probability of river flooding, also known as functional floodplain (flood zone 3b (FZ3b)). This is an overview of the evidence base: Consultation on the Local Plan Note the SFRA level 2 report errata sheet at the... Avonmouth-Severnside strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA) level 2. As a part of the process of preparing the Wycombe District Local Plan, we referred to and were informed by a number of documents that collectively form the evidence base for the examination. These cover communities in our urban areas and rural settlements. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. A list of protected spaces within South Gloucestershire is available in our Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan. We have undertaken, commissioned and been involved with a number of studies to inform the preparation of the Charnwood Local Plan. Note the SFRA level 2 report errata sheet at the beginning A, B and C. In addition to referring to the SFRA, developers and applicants should also use the most recent Environment Agency flood maps “Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea)”. Transport and infrastructure. Government guidance requires the policies in Local Plans to be based upon sound evidence. We are the minerals planning authority for South Gloucestershire. This process however identified significant constraints/issues principally in relation to flood risk – see Proposed Submission PSP Plan March 2015 (para 11.1-11.13) and supporting Sustainability Appraisal (p 67-75) South Gloucestershire Online Consultations – Draft Policies, Sites and Places Plan Summer 2014 – CONSULTATION CLOSED – Consultation Homepage. It gives robust evidence of the development needs, pressures and issues within the Borough. Since the designation must conform with national planning policy, it is not suitable for all green spaces. Whilst some of the retained evidence listed below refers generally to the JSP or Local Plan 2018-26, it is considered to be relevant to support our Local Plan 2020 and is still available to view, until replaced with newer evidence and information. If the neighbourhood planning process in Oldbury confirms a need for limited housing to meet the specific requirements of the village (supported by a technical evidence base and tested through the examination process), this will provide the justification for part 1 of the exception test i.e. This includes the Local Plan 2018-36 which was linked to and guided by the now withdrawn Joint Spatial Plan (JSP). The main evidence base documents can be accessed via the links below. In this section. Historic and built environment. For the exception test to be passed, it must be demonstrated that the development provides sustainability benefits to the community which outweigh flood risk. Due to essential maintenance some of our online forms and map systems will be unavailable today on Friday 12 March between 5:30pm and 7:30pm. All main infrastructure, including highway routes which provide access to the village are affected by flood risk, classified as either FZ3a or 3b. More information can be found on the West of England Combined Authority website. The council has undertaken research to inform the policy documents that make up the Local Plan. The parish council, in consultation with the wider community, initially identified a need for approximately 14 dwellings over and above that which would come forward under existing planning policies and permitted development including redevelopment, conversion and infill. The Council has commissioned and carried out a variety of studies in order to inform the evidence base for the Local Development Framework. To comment on the Sustainability Appraisal, between 27 November to 1 March 2021 visit our consultation website. These are grouped into six categories: The village has taken up the option of neighbourhood planning and the neighbourhood area was designated on 27 November 2016. As part of the consultation on the draft Local Plan we are also consulting on the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessment, Draft Economic Growth Strategy and the Draft Open Space, Playing Pitches and Play Areas Strategies. These spaces are displayed with information outlining why they were not designated in the PSP plan. as well as the submission of new spaces. To support this process, JLL appointed PRP as Within this plan, policy PSP4 Designated Local Green Spaces outlines the type of protection to these spaces. Local Plan 2020 evidence base South Gloucestershire strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA) level 1. 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It should be noted this has yet to be undertaken and is intended to be completed through the preparation of the Oldbury Neighbourhood Plan. This is a detailed analysis of capacity gaps for each type of waste management route. The policy adopts two of the new optional standards, access and the NDSS. Following the sequential test, if it is not possible for the development to be located in flood zone 1, the exception test can be applied. The reassessment of spaces is not yet complete. This involves gathering evidence, carry… Legislation requires the Local Development Plan (LDP) to be “sound”, and for this to be tested by an independent examination. Alongside preparing our Local Plan 2020, we will be undertaking a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) to understand the economic, environmental and social effects of the Local Plan from the outset and as it progresses. Evidence base The Council has developed an evidence base to support the preparation of the Local Plan and other policy documents. Evidence Base. This includes an element of non-strategic housing in rural areas to meet the needs of the district (allocations of 10 homes and above). The findings within the DAPs published in November 2020, are based on information which was updated during early 2020. To inform the HELAA a call for sites is currently open for further information check our Call for sites 2020 consultation page. Community surge testing in specified postcode areas of Bradley Stoke, Patchway and Little Stoke Council tax - what if I am struggling to pay? Emerging Local Plan. The studies are as follows: ECC16 - Draft Wirral Environmental Sensitivity Study; GBI4 - Draft Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy A key component of the Local Plan is the evidence base. Archived Local Plan Evidence Base | Rutland County Council. Through the location strategy set out in Core Strategy policies CS5 (Location of Development) and CS34 (Rural Areas), provision was also made to enable rural communities to identify any need for small scale additional housing to meet local needs through the Policies Sites and Places (PSP) Plan or Neighbourhood Plans. Coronavirus (Covid-19): service updates, support and health advice. Key studies are on the following sections, while the entire evidence base for the Adopted Derby City Local Plan Part 1 is on the Examination Library page.‌. The South Gloucestershire Council Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for Oldbury on Severn can be viewed below. New Local Plan; Evidence base; Breadcrumb Dropdown Button The council has assembled a large number of documents as part of its evidence base to inform the preparation of its local planning framework. The Local Plan evidence base contains a series of reports and studies which have helped to shape the planning policies for the District. Housing. Authorities preparing local plans should assess future needs and opportunities for their area, explore and identify options for addressing these, and then set out a preferred approach (except where this has already been dealt with through a spatial development strategy). Carbon Reduction Requirement Study 2018 – joint evidence is being gathered by the West of England unitary authorities to explore the best way of reducing carbon emissions from new development through local plan policies, Accommodation Assessment 2017 explanatory note February 2018, Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) statement February 2018, Local green space designation provides special protection against development for green areas of. Evidence Base - … Evidence Base - Economic, Retail and Town Centres. population. Evidence base. Local Plan: Evidence Base. We are committed to supporting the parish council to undertake this work through the neighbourhood planning process. In addition a site specific flood risk assessment (SFRA2) must demonstrate that the development will be safe for its lifetime (taking account of the vulnerability of its users), not increase flood risk elsewhere and where possible reduce flood risk overall. New local plan examination: supporting evidence. We participate in the South West Aggregates Working Party. Current Wirral Local Plan evidence base. The evidence base is part of the Local Plan Submission for the Local Plan examination. This extensive evidence base will be updated as … South Gloucestershire strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA) level 2. CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - Basildon Council service and information updates. Our local minerals development plan currently comprises the. This Evidence base informs the preparation of the Local plan. The assessment is part of the evidence base used to inform the Local Plan for each of these authorities. The 2008-2017 West of England Local Aggregate Assessment (LAA) is the latest information on permitted reserves and production for crushed rock as of the end of 2017. To inform the Local Plan Review, an extensive evidence base is being prepared. Further information on the HELAA process is available at GOV.UK. The Environment Agency’s website also maps the risk of flooding from surface water and reservoirs. The Local Plan draws on, and updates, the approach and the evidence base behind the Core Strategy which is provided below for reference purposes. New documents are being added that are related to the Local Plan 2020 and emerging sub regional Spatial Development Strategy (SDS). There are two areas of lower flood risk in Oldbury. We prepared a Scoping Report in autumn 2020, and this was published in October 2020 for a five week consultation period with the three statutory consultees. The responses received during this period have informed the preparation of the Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan Phase 1 consultation document (see below). The following documents form part of the evidence base to support the policies in our current and emerging Local Plan documents. The JSP and new Local Plan will update the strategic housing policies currently in the Core Strategy to meet housing need to 2036. Evidence base studies. Evidence base The following documents form part of the Draft Bracknell Forest Local Plan evidence base, and are available to download. The following technical guidance and information on the avoidance, reduction and management of flood risk has been taken into account when developing the Local Plan. Statutory documents required, and central to, the plan-making process; Economy and Employment. Evidence base. Since the designation must conform with national planning policy, it is not suitable for all green spaces. The SA Report sets out how the responses from the statutory consultees (on the Scoping Report) have been addressed (see Appendix 1). As part of the consultation on the Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 consultation document, we have also published a Sustainability Appraisal Report. The surface water mapping is not suitable for determining flood risk to individual properties, but provides an indication of whether an area may be affected by surface water flooding and to what extent. To avoid inappropriate development in flood risk areas, the National Planning Guidance (NPPF) (paragraphs 100-104) directs development to areas of the lowest flood risk. In line with national policy on flood risk and the sequential test, Oldbury on Severn will unlikely be considered for additional housing through the district wide plan making process, given the range of other location options situated in a lower risk of flooding and with higher levels of sustainable access to key services and facilities. The South Gloucestershire Core Strategy (adopted 2013) sets out the long term vision and spatial strategy for the area. For further information on the reassessment and designation process see guidance on local green space designations. Evidence Base We have produced a number of studies, plans and strategies to inform the plan making process. Housing evidence base to support the preparation of the Local Plan. Some of the evidence and information listed has been prepared for plans documents that we were previously working on. A number of studies have been produced, in some cases undertaken with or by other authorities and consultants. West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 2: Spatial Options A-E : Jacobs : EB1411: West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 3: Stort Crossing / Northern Bypass Initial Testing: Jacobs : EB1412: West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 4: WEEH Emerging Option: Jacobs : EB1413 We have also published a background paper relating to minerals. It is part of the evidence base for the waste element of the Local plan. We will update this page as and when new evidence is produced, or existing documents revised. In summary the PSP Plan evidence concluded that Oldbury village is at risk, but is defended from tidal flooding. Leeds … The first stage of the SA process is to prepare a Scoping Report, which sets out the scope of what will be included within the SA of the Local Plan. There are a number of key topic based studies that have informed policies in Cornwall Local Plan: Strategic Policies documents, and these are: Cornwall Employment Land Review; Cornwall Retail Study; Duty to Cooperate; Habitats Regulation Assessment; Infrastructure Needs Assessments; Self and Custom Build; Settlements; Developers and applicants are responsible for ensuring all drainage designs, strategies and site-specific flood risk assessments are supported by the most accurate and up to date information on flood risk. The consultant team was commissioned by the DIO in 2017 to produce an evidence base and development concept to support and underpin the allocation of the Site. Population, housing and health Housing Potential development sites in Oldbury on Severn unaffected by flood risk and meeting the requirements of the Sequential Test could not therefore be identified. New evidence to support the Part 2 Plan will be added to this page as it completed. The evidence base we are developing will help the Councils develop a well-informed ‘preferred option’ for how much development to plan for, and where development should be allocated in the new Local Plan. Pre-Submission Draft 2012 Core Strategy Submission Draft 2012 (pdf : 2.9 MB) Each Data and Access Profile contains factual information for each area. The purpose of the housing and economic land availability assessment (HELAA) is to identify a future supply of land which is available and suitable for housing and economic development, over the period of our Local Plan. Health, leisure and open space. The evidence page provides useful facts and information to help with the development of planning policy. This would then inform the second part of the exception test and help investigate the potential for limited further development of the village. This information is also available as, Comments and nominations were invited on local green space designations as part, February-April 2018 Local Plan consultation. Doncaster Local Plan Local Plan Evidence Base Identifying and Assessing Areas of Search (Aggregate Minerals) – Methodology and Process Date: 2019 NPPF Update Evidence Base - Air Quality, Energy and Biodiversity. A robust transport evidence base can facilitate approval of the Local Plan and reduce costs and delays to the delivery of new development, thus reducing the … Latest national COVID-19 restrictions announced on Monday 4 January 2021; Coronavirus cases are rising rapidly across the country. Pieces of supporting evidence which help inform the Dorset Council Local Plan are set out in the table on this page. To ensure that we plan for a steady supply of sufficient aggregates in the area, we. Restrictions will be put into law later this week. “dry island” is adjacent to the Toot Scheduled Ancient Monument in the centre of the village and is surrounded by extensive areas of higher flood risk. 1.4 This background paper seeks to set out the context and evidence base used to inform the Housing Design Standards Policy (Policy 46) in the emerging Doncaster Local Plan. The Peterborough Local Plan was adopted on 24 July 2019. Local Plan Evidence Base - Middlewick Ranges December 2020 © 2020 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved 5 2.1. The flood map is updated quarterly and therefore some areas of the SFRA will be superseded by more up to date mapping since the SFRA was published. During public examination of the PSP plan, we agreed to reassess all nominated spaces that were not designated in this plan through the development of our new, Local green space designations interactive map, the local green spaces designated in the PSP plan and which are subject to Policy PSP4 Local Green Space Designations, the nominated (but not designated) spaces which will be, developing the new Local Plan.
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