ESB-113/2004) (MTR Corporation Limited) 31. Northeast New Territories (NENT) Landfill Extension (EIA Study Brief no. The burgeoning of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal issue and climate change have drawn massive attention from people. On the one hand, Hong Kong is facing a controversial debate over the implementation of proposed landfill extension (LFE) and advanced incineration facility (AIF) to curb the MSW disposal issue. 15. ACTION: Notice and request for comments. PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE SENT LANDFILL 4. and environmental impact assessment studies for the extension of the NENT Landfill and SENT Landfill, while those for the WENT Landfill are still in progress. We need to ensure that sufficient landfill space is made ... Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance and the Technical Memorandum on EIA Process. In order to further consolidate and reinforce the institutional and legal framework for the protection of the environmental assets of Mauritius and a sustainable development, a new Environment Protection Act is in force as from 5 September 2002. ... the timely extension of landfills. Project: Ballydonagh Landfill. Client: Westmeath County Council. The surveys covered by this request include: Mauritius first adopted formal procedures for EIA in June 1993 following the amendment of the Environment Protection Act (EPA) 1991. Westmeath County Council appointed OCM to prepare an application for review of the Ballydonagh Landfill Waste Licence, including an EIA and accompanying EIS for the extension of the Landfill and the development of a composting facility. The EIA has proposed appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that the impact Territories (NENT) Landfill and the West New Territories (WENT) Landfill. The treated gas is then transferred through a 19-km long pipeline to our Tai Po Production Plant, where it is used as a heating fuel for gas production. April 2007 regarding the EIA findings and the latest development of the project, a motion objecting to the NENT landfill Extension was moved by the NDC at the meeting. 30. 3. Four Regional Sites 3.3 The four sites proposed are:- x Site 1 : NENT Landfill site – 155ha – to include two waste sorting lines with a total capacity of 1,400 tpd, recycling plants, compositing plant and a small waste to energy plant for 600tpd. Optimized Shatin to Central Link Conforming Scheme (East West Railway Corridor) (EIA Study Brief no. The EPD has studied five options to extend the SENT Landfill with ... the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) concluded that the Start Preamble AGENCY: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Department of Energy (DOE). West Island Line and South Island Line (EIA Study Brief no. The operational period for LFE and AIF is set to be 10 years, in accordance to WENT and NENT landfill extension environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports (HKEPD (Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department), 2007, HKEPD (Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department), 2009). ESB-114/2004) (Environmental Protection Department) 32. HK government fails to pass controversial landfill extension proposals. SUMMARY: EIA invites public comment on the proposed three year extension, with changes, of the Natural Gas Data Collection Program, as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Landfill gas Treatment Units (TUs) have been installed at the NENT site to remove carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and non-methane hydrocarbons from the raw landfill gas. LANDFILL PROJECTS. reduce quantity of MSW going to landfill. The Public Participation Office Attention: Kabelo Mphake Post: PO Box 35007, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel: +27 12 348 5880 Fax: +27 12 348 5878 Email:
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