It will still show up on cake mix boxes and in episodes of Barefoot Contessa. I bake it often for family parties, and it always brings back fond memories. Plus, this professional bakery style cake stays fresh and moist for 4 days — that’s unheard of!. And further more, it defines moisten (which damp is defined as doing) as: To make or render moist, damp, or wet; to wet superficially or moderately. Over time, it's taken on some sexual overtones, but that has nothing to do with why this word makes America so uncomfortable. So basically, half of the people hated the meaning of the word and the other half hated the sound of the word. Moist definition is - slightly or moderately wet : damp. Overall, people just love to hate on moist. What does it actually mean? But moist… Orchard grass is fine, but if you notice a change to dark, moist poops try switching to Timothy which is lower in protein. Protein levels are also lower in first cut timothy hay as opposed to second or third cuts. If by "disturbed" you mean "totally turned on", then YES. —Patricia Kreitz, Richland, Pennsylvania That chick is hot, man I'm moist ! Jun 09, 2010 at 08:35PM EDT. This is my best vanilla cake recipe. The cake is light and airy with a delicious chocolate taste. you need to start off slow and work your way into it. most of these are dumb and wont work… unless you have some type of relationship with the girl. Also, when we were chilling at my bfs we had this discussion and his friends said ''Oh so does that mean Jays moist because hes got his arm around lianna?'' So that seems to prove damp is only wet superficially or moderately where as moist can be much more so. I didnt quite get it. First, make sure she is on Timothy Hay. Quote. So perhaps moist is wetter as having a considerable rainfall is much wetter than mist or dew. The meaning of the IC in astrology focuses on our private lives, personal foundations, and roots, and it can tell us lots about our inner world. Origin: female sexual excitement. Moist don’t care. Sweatie Killer The "That makes me moist" lady is Helen Thomas, you know, that retired White House Press Correspondent? Thanks! This recipe is a keeper! Jun 14, 2010 at 01:39PM EDT. It's just a terrible, shit word. Quote. Words are some of the most powerful things in the world with the mere sound of them able to conjure up intense emotions from love right through … She tosses around moist like it’s a racial slur, too. You got a new car, you must be moist ! moist: [adjective] excited. Synonym Discussion of moist. Moist Chocolate Cake This chocolate cake recipe with coffee reminds me of my grandmother because it was one of her specialties. A classic butter cake but with Japanese techniques applied for the most plush, soft and moist yellow cake like you’ve never had before. theyre quite obvious… there’s no way to play it off, girls arent as dumb as you may think. No one has any problems with "damp" or "wet" or even "moisture." Moist just refers to anything that's slightly wet. How to use moist in a sentence. My go-to reference, the House Rabbit Society has an excellent article on this topic here. Me and my boyfriend wrote 'I miss you'' '' I miss you too'' over facebook and his friend commented saying 'moist'.
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