Bit of a wake up for me as on Saturday morning I was sunning myself in warmer climes with a water temp of 78 degs and blue skies and this morning it’s -5 and a water temp of 38de... Monday 21st November. It’s just as well that there was a lot of snow as n... Monday1st A day off for the Ghillies which was lovely got lots done, although the garden is still way behind with this prolonged cold spell, and driving down to the fishing hut this afternoon I reali... Monday 25th Another bitter cold day with wind chill and snow flurries, 1’9” 34 degs and squeaky clean. The high-fashion label simply notches what a tweed jacket can achieve up to another level. A much nicer day because the wind has buggered off at last, I’m sure it’ll be back but today was calm, cold but calm. First of all I must correct a mistake in last week’s report, I reported 48 fish for the month when it’s actually 46, I’m sure some of you sharp eyed readers would have noticed this... Monday 24th August. Another big water day with a fair wind blowing across the river, about 7’0” and filthy, I say about 7’0” as the gauge stops at 6’6” so it’s guesswork after that. 2’3” and slowly rising, 42 degrees and windy from the North West add in a bit of rain and it was a bit of a miserable morning. 2’9” and mucky so the team decided not to fish which was a wise decision looking at the catch returns tonight. That’s the last of February thankfully, not a month I’m keen on I have to say, 4 for the month for us which is what we caught last year. Paul Holland, Andy and Craig Scott here for three days. Mike Cook was on the Slap and cauld this morning and lost two decent si... Monday 26th August. A much warmer day in fact the warmest day this year by a distance but with the warmth came some really heavy downpours from lunchtime onwards by 6.00pm it was wall to wall sunshine ... Monday 11th July. I met Perry at lunchtime and he told me he had two about 12lbs both from... Monday 18th August 1’4” and 56 degs clean, a better day on the river still not that many fish showing round the beat but we managed 7 the best being a nice 13lber from the back of the wall, all on th... Monday 11th August Normal life resumes after last week but I still need to sleep, great week and that’s the common riding season over I’m getting too old for it. New team on as they’re all keen to be at them. It was like going back a month this morning, going back into winter. Since 2003 we have been sharing news, information and latest salmon and sea trout catches on the River Tweed. I was with James Long in... Monday 13th August. 2’5” and 36 degrees meaning it only dropped one inch over the weekend and it was cold, bloody cold. It was windy then it became really windy a near gale in fact, regular readers will know how much I like the wind so I wasn’t a happy bunny. The only rod booked in for the day Brian Perry very wisely decided not to come today, 2’4” 40 degrees and very murky. 1’4” on the Lees gauge and 40 degrees. Richard Harrison and Clancy chucked a Toby off t... Monday 12th February. We provide information about the individual beats, river levels and catches as well as fishing availability, you can sign up for alerts for advanced or last minute booking. Sat on the bench at the Temple wa... Monday 15th February. 12 talking about this. That’s another month over and it didn’t break any records, 10 for the month. 2’10” and 41 degs this morning alo... Monday March 2nd As I said last week that’s February out of the way and I’m always glad to see the back of it. They have to be, we have caught 3 Salmon in the Glide in the last 2 months and today we get 4, now just why are they there today or more importantly why... Monday 20th October What a long day that was 3’10” and dirty, Gene and Nigel headed for home straight away knowing what the forecast is for tomorrow with hurricane Gonzalo bearing down on us. The gauge was sitting at 1’0” and 62 degrees with not a cloud in t... Monday 18th June. An overcast start and a wee bit breezy, 3’3” and 40 degrees carrying a bit of colour. Well that’s summer over and we are into the autumn fishing. Michael Bax on his first visit to the Lees drew the Slap and... Monday 1st May. River Levels Apologies for not being able to show the normal river levels here, due to the ransomware attack on SEPA which has halted their data feed to us. Team Godde... Monday 17th 1’11” and 46 degs nice clean water. 4 Slap, 4 Cauld and 2 Back of the Wall (Iron Gate really). It’s been flood after flood all winter since the end of last season... Monday 23rd November. The Macintosh brothers were at the top end and managed a ... Monday 17th August A lovely sunny day on Tweedside which did nothing to help the catches, this however didn’t deter Mike Firth and Neil Wilson who both scored on the Lees, Mike with a 6lber from Duddo... Monday 10th August I’m back! It was a nice enough day with some nice company, once we got the company sorted out as two lads arrived a day early, Rob and Howard don’t start until tomorrow so we sent them to Col... Monday 20th March. A grey overcast start which led to a grey overcast finish, 2’1” and 48 degrees but nice and clean, Stuart Dawson and son Joe here for a couple of days as Malcolm Dutchman Smith ca... Monday 12th October. No rods booked this week or next for that matter which is perhaps just as well as the gauge was reading 3’4” this... Monday 9th November. A nice start to the day, 1’4” and 46 degrees with a gentle breeze from the west. Fish of the day was a 24lber from the Glide to Nigel crosskell who was rather pleased wi... Monday 1’9” 58 degs Water clean which is a good height for the Lees , in the morning we had a visit from a seal. Team Harper here for ten days, now that’s dedication for you in February, but they need more than dedication today as its 4’4” and rising with wind and rain forecast but it looks ... Monday 1st February 2016. Anyway back to the river and it’s a new week... Monday 5th October A different day today the sun and calm has been replaced by light rain and wind, an upstream wind at that. It was a lovely day, warm sunny and just a wee breeze to stop me boiling. The lads soon got spread ... Monday 22nd October. A very foggy start to the week and a strong team on this week who are all Lees regulars. Rob Jameson knows the beat well and pals Chris Hill and Mark Giffkins have both fished the Lees before so I was expecting great things. I’m writing this on Tuesday night so I’ve forgotten what happened yesterday. I ... Monday 5th MayOvercast start 1’5” and 50 degs the air was thick with the smell of honey from the oilseed rape fields which are in full bloom team Collinson are here for three days but Paul Collinson i... Monday 28th April A nice calm start but a bit dull and damp, 1’6” and 50 degs, water has a bit of a tea stain to it. 2’9 and 46 degrees with a beery tinge, two of the rods decided not to fish and two gave it a go this morning and packed... Monday 5th November. Nick had a couple of bow waves and boils in the Slap first few casts, the... Monday 19th Team Taylor reported for duty this morning and young Will 13 years was soon into his first ever Salmon on the fly which he promptly lost, but honour was soon restored as he had an 11lbe... Monday 12th August. Jacket, £1,590 . A much colder start than of late with showers from the east but these gave way to a sunny day by mid morning. 1’5” and 46 degrees with just a touch of beery colour. 1’5” and 50 degs this morning slig... Monday 25th May Another week upon us and good conditions but no fish, 1’4” and 54 degs clean. 2’3” 44 degs and cold with a north east wind blowing and grey skies, full winter clothing back on and a reluctan... Monday 4th April. Into the Cauld wi... Monday 13th Well there’s no need for me to attend the gym tonight as I had enough exercise today to last me a month, blowing a hoolie all day with rain, hail showers every half hour. 1’9” and 54 degrees but carrying a mucky colour, not brown but that grey murky colour. Another lovely day with wall to wall sunshine. A lovely day outside as long as you were out of the bloody cold north wind, ironically this wind makes covering the Slap a piece of cake even for the duffers. Fully booked for the last four days but tod... Monday 20th November, conditions were as good as you could bet for a Monday in late November apart from the bloody rain. Please note :- The river level figures are not displayed in real time and are to be used as a guide. Well just when I thought it was game over for the season we get 7 for the day which is the second best day this season, after saying that it’s the first time the Temple has been ... Monday 16th November. If you already have fishing organised, we can assist you in finding suitable accommodation close to your beat. However within this overall picture both the autumns of 2014 and, now, 2015 have been particularly 2’10” 40 degrees and a bit murky but the skies were blue and the ground was white with frost so no rain for a change. A dry morning but the damage had been done over the weekend. A bank holiday! 1’4” and 50 degrees nice and clean with a westerly breeze. Upper Tweed is very water dependent but if early autumn enjoys heavy rainfall then summer salmon will enter this section of the river – with November traditionally the best month of all. It was a lovely day out today with the sun shining and no wind. Colin Simpson and Mike ... Monday 26th November. Anyway 1’2” and 61 degs with a fair ... Monday 29th June Paul and Linda Grewcock here for a couple of days all the way from deepest Norfolk, fed up of wading through sugar beet all day they have turned their hand to chasing salmon on the T... Monday 22nd June Well the nights are fair drawing in now, actually the nights are fine it’s the weather, it’s cold dull and been raining half of the day but not enough rain to help the river heights. 1’4” 46 degrees and squeaky clean. 2’2” 42 degs and squeaky clean but only 5 landed and didn’t see all that many expected more given the conditions. A bit of a shock this morning when I looked out the front door as everything was white over with frost and a hard frost at that. Mark was the... Monday 17th July. There was a bit of murk to the colour of the water so Team Harper ha... Monday 4th February. Team Harper here for three days, sadly not ... Monday 6th April. Boleside has long been regarded as one of the best Tweed beats, and is different from the other top performing beats, in … A cold frosty start giving way to a lovely sunny morning, 2’3” and 40 degrees with just a slight south breeze. Two boats are used to fish from. Team Harper here for the week and it was a slow start as n... Monday 28th September. is dedicated to the River Tweed and the interests of salmon and sea trout fisherman. 10” and 46 degrees clean water. John Laybourne and Steven Robins here for the day. 2’9” and 40 degs a bit bigger than I would of liked but that’s what it is. It was really a day to enjoy the view. Well! A damp morning with the Lees gauge showing just under 6’0” and very dirty. There were fish showing in the Slap which is nothing unusual on a Monday morning, what was more unusual wa... Monday 8th July. The heights shown are those above normal summer lows and use data collected hourly from the relevant agency's website. Charles Cook who is here for the week sent a text or two to confirm it was no use today, Ritchie Gallaghe... Monday 30th September. The crappy weather continues with cold damp and even wet conditions all day today that along with a north east wind made it very unpleasant and back to full winter gear on to stay wa... Monday 28th March. Team Flux, Sidoli, Evans, Andrews and Woodruff here for the week. A nice calm start with the Lees gauge showing 1’0” a water temp of 46 degrees and nice and clean. The team pitched up 9.00am did the draw sorted out lines flies, usual chaos ensued. If you are looking for somewhere to stay please have a look at Paul Grewcock, Linda Grewcock and Fliss Atherton here for three days, they’re all keen fishers so I was expecting great things. I didn’t think we’d catch anything today and we didn’t 2’6” this morning and a toasty 44 degrees, the river has risen and with it rising it’s carrying a murky grey colour but the... Monday 7th November. Francis Sandison and Vicky Jager fishing to... Monday 20th July 2’0” and 56 degs carrying a very dark beer colour, John Okell and Graham Nicol here for two days, neither have brought spinning rods with them and prefer to fish the fly anyway but wi... Monday 13th July Unlucky for some they say but not for Mark Redhead as he landed a 11lb liced cock from the Cauld this morning on his first ever trip to the Lees, he took the fish on a #8 sort of “wil... Monday 7th July I’m writing this on Tuesday night as I deleted the original which is bloody annoying and I can’t find it in the recycle bin which is more annoying. A nice sunny day with a north east wind blowing, 1’9” and very dirty, the lads gave it a go but the odds were always against them. Well we’re back, unfurloughed and ready to go except the river is in flood and brown its also raining and blowing a fair old gale of wind. The oth... Monday 13th October Well I’m disappointed, only 13 for the day, now I can hear some of you saying “only 13” what a greedy bugger! River is down to 8” on the gauge and 50 degrees. The Whiteadder is a tributory of the Tweed joining the Tweed in the tidal waters just over a mile upstream of Berwick upon Tweed . The Lees is now on summer lets so the reports might be a bit sketchy, also it’s sometimes a day late when you find out about a capture. 1’3” and 56 degrees with a slight tinge. 7’0” plus and very dirty, mostly Teviot effect. A cloudy humid start to the day with the Lees gauge showing 1’7” and 58 degs also very beery. A grey damp misty start, 2’1” and 42 degrees squeaky clean, possibly the best conditions there has been for a week or two river wise. 4’6” and 38 degrees with a lot of colour. 2’6” and 36 degrees but at least we were fishing for the first time in 3 weeks. beat overview. Farson digital provided unique live and archived HD footage of river conditions, water height and colour. Now then I’m writing this on Tuesday night as I forgot last night and I’ve forgotten what happened yesterday! Anyway 1’4” this morning and 56 degs w... Monday 28th July Another hot Monday, no rods today as Tony elected not to come which was a wise move. We had a 3lb Seat... Monday 6th May Went up to the bakers this morning to get my bun for lunch and it’s shut, what’s going on? A dull morning with an east wind starting to blow up the river, 1’11” and 44 degrees. That’s a bit more like it 18 landed today, it might increase as there’s still a couple of rods out there fishing. Despite the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 restrictions the 2020 Tweed salmon rod catch of 9,614 was the highest since 2013 (14,853) and […] 66 degs and about 7” on the gauge. I wasn’t expecting the wind this morning but there it was and it was from the south south/west making casting in learmouth stream a bit of a bugger more so when you put a sink tip... Monday 10th October. Another warm sunny day with the Lees gauge showing around 9” and 56 degrees this morning. And off we go again except it’s a false start as its 4’6” and rising so nothing worth fishing on the Lees. The German international fly fishing team are here for the week so I’m expecting catches to be huge. It didn’t stop John though as once... Monday 30th May. I would have thought the best (nearest) river height measure would be at Peebles? We have some ve... Monday 23rd November. A warm humid day with the water temp back up to 60 degrees, it was a little bit murky, a sort of road washings colour but we’ve caught fish in a lot worse. It’s lucky I ... Monday 14th September. Well that’s the arse kicked out of October and it was our best month this season but you can’t polish a turd and in the age of the internet and instant news everyone knows what’s ... Monday 24th October. Did you miss me? Peter London was in t... Monday 22nd July. Put the boats on yesterday and fell in the... Monday 25th November A cold frosty start but nice and sunny, water temp down to 36 degs and 1’6” on the Lees gauge. 3 of the rods turned up to say hello and have a look at the river. The traditions and techniques used on the River Tweed have influenced salmon fishing, wherever these wonderful fish … There is a website dedicated to Tweed fishing, with details of beats, availability/prices and recent catch returns along with daily river levels. Harry Stollard here for three days with his pals Paul and Davy. The fishing is readily accessible and much of it is easily waded. Another warm dry day, overcast with a light south wind, 1’1” and 58 degs. 7 fish landed for the day none of them brand n... Monday 2nd September. 1’3” and still a tad beery, Neil Wilson and John Leatham on duty, a boil in the Slap and a couple more rises typ... Monday 26th May 2’2” 55 degs and very brown water so I didn’t hold out much hope in fact I wouldn’t of fished but the lads have nothing else to do so they gave it a bit of a go just to fill in time r... Monday 19th May A lovely calm start and warm maybe too warm, 1’4” and 59 degs. 1’0” and 56 degrees nice and clean. 1’2” and 67 degrees at 8.30am with a summer tinge to the water. It blew a hoolie today as the cheery weather girl forecast; this made trying to get a fly across the pools a bit of a challenge to say the least, rowing a boat was no fun either.... Monday 11th February. Team Harper here for the week and they set about their duties with a spring in their step. Colin Hewitt and Jim Go... Monday 18th February. Jonathan Reddin got into a fish with his first cast of the day in the slap but sh... Monday 16th April. Tweed is a wonderful river and a fine example of how a salmon fishery should be run.Great river-basin management,superb beats with every facility, knowledge-able ghillies and fishing opportu-nities at all income levels com-bine to make it the star of Britain’s salmon rivers, shining as brightly as its crystal-clear waters.And by analysing Tweed 1’10” and a bit on the beery side but that was the good news as by lunchtime it was brown and the rest of the day was casting practice really. Only 3 rods today as one is stuck in Norway and the... Monday 17th November Another damp start with some very heavy showers, we got caught out a bit this morning as the gauges showed the river steady but it was rising at the Lees by lunchtime they showed... Monday 10th November. A warm sunny start with a stiff north westerly blowing down the river with the gauge sitting at 4” or there abouts as it’s off the gauge it was going to be a struggle, anyway Gen... Monday 26th Misty start but the sun was never far away, 10” and 62 degs still clean with no blanket weed floating about yet. It was a lovely day on the river with the sun shining down keeping temperatures on the pleasant side. There's always a chance of a Spring salmon in the lower and middle Tweed beats when the river opens in February however the arrival of March always increases chances as many more Spring salmon move into the lower & middle River Tweed salmon fishing beats. 1’5” and 54 degrees, water clean first thing. Matt Randall with pals Edward Evans, Stephen Marsh Smith and Clive Roberts here for three days. 1’6” and 44 degs, nice and clean. Team Gould here for the week. A damp morning with heavy showers from the east. We had a very aggressive charge at a sunray in the Slap not a touch in the Cauld and just for a change... Monday 27th June. 1’6” and 46 degrees and squeaky clean. The beat is not exactly being heavily fished but we are doing the hot spots so if we found one there is every chance of a pull. 1’7” and 54 degrees, clean but a bit of the stone dirt is starting to lift off ... Monday 7th May. Arou... Monday 21st May. Height? It was an even lovelier day if you were fishing around Kelso as that’s where all the fish were caught so well done th... Monday 19th March. Your data will only be used by us to implement any service you have asked for. Chris Elcock here along with Dean MacAlister and mum Sue and local rod James Henderso... Monday 6th March. Team Onslow here and it was warm and humid. A breezy day down at the Lees today. 2’6” and 48 degs blowing a hoolie, I only saw... Monday 29th September A new team in and they are all keen to get at the fish, pity the fish are not too keen to join in the fun. A dreich sort of day but at least the south east wind has stopped, 1’0” so up 4” from Saturday and 52 degrees. It was a lovely day on the river with blue skies and no wind, the Lees gauge was showing 2’6” and 36 degrees. 8’6” or there about’s as it was off the gauge. Good news is Sally (wife) is getting better apart from being a bit breathless; I am still symptom free but have a few mo... Monday 30th March. Stunning scenery at this historic beat The Yair Three miles of stunning Upper Tweed fishing with a variety of pools away from the main roads Lower North Wark The beat performs at all river heights but particularly well at medium and low water levels Bemersyde A Stunning Middle Tweed Beat Providing World Renowned Fishing Carham
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