Student Health Service (SHS), (805) 893-3371. /*--> ]]>*/ /*--> Date/Time: Tuesdays, 1:30-3:00pm Co-Leaders: Carla Corral, Ph.D., Ozzie Espinoza, M.A. Please look through each description for any adjustments to requirements. /*--> Be empowered. Zoom link will be sent after signing up [CDATA[/* > [CDATA[/* >*/ Participants in this group can expect to achieve a greater understanding of common reactions to assault and the ways in which it can impact life and develop skills for improved coping which may lead them to enter safer, more satisfying relationships. ]]>*/ [CDATA[/* > [CDATA[/* >*/ Location: Zoom ]]>*/ We will be offering an online support group for the LGBTQ community to come together during COVID-19. [CDATA[/* >*/ Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) is committed to providing timely, effective, and culturally-appropriate mental health services to our diverse UCSB student body, as well as consultations to faculty, staff, and families. Location: Zoom Location: Zoom This is a biweekly group for trans, non-binary, and questioning students to address issues related to transitioning, misgendering, bodies, dysphoria, relationships, medical care, transphobia, and general life topics. ]]>*/ This group will include peer support discussions about improving mood, motivation, and managing depression. To set up appointment visit CAPS or call 805-893-4411 for first-time appointment 5. Student Health Services (SHS) 1. The aim is to help students find relief, gain awareness, and helpful coping strategies for managing the psychological impacts of oppression. Men of all sexual orientations and genders within this spectrum are welcome including Gay, Queer, Bi, and Transgender. [CDATA[/* >*/ /*-->*/ Join in a discussion of the unique challenges commonly experienced as a graduate student of African Heritage. /*-->*/ Leaders: Molly McDonald, Ph.D., Kat Wu, M.A. [CDATA[/* > /*--> ]]>*/ /*-->*/ ]]>*/ /*-->*/ ]]>*/ [CDATA[/* > /*-->*/ [CDATA[/* > Nurse advisor and health counselors for all students 2. ]]>*/ /*--> Date/Time: Tuesdays, 1-2:30pm Zoom link will be sent after signing up All registered students are eligible for services at CAPS. /*-->*/ ]]>*/ [CDATA[/* > [CDATA[/* > [CDATA[/* > Helpful for a range of issues: Depression, anxiety, stress, mood instability, irritability, feelings of emptiness, identity issues, anger issues, intense or chaotic relationships, impulsivity, substance use concerns, eating disorders, suicidal and self-harming behavior. All Rights Reserved. [CDATA[/* > Zoom link will be sent after signing up Thank you!
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