For payment information, call the county treasurer at 734.222.6600. To determine if a payment has been made after the current collection period, contact the Washtenaw County Treasurer. The Washtenaw County Treasurer, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan is responsible for financial transactions, including issuing Washtenaw County tax bills, collecting personal and real property tax payments. Treasurers & Tax Collectors are key departments in the broader Washtenaw County government. These records can include Washtenaw County property tax assessments and assessment challenges, appraisals, and income taxes. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. The official record for permits are at the Ypsilanti Charter Township Office of Community Standards. On March 1st of the following tax year, the Township Treasurer's turn over all unpaid property taxes to the County Treasurer for collection. **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. Questions? Any taxes still due on March 1st are then turned over to the Washtenaw County Treasurer for continued collection. Prior owner does not receive any of the proceeds. * Information from the Washtenaw County treasurer. March 31: Redemption rights expire if taxes are not paid and property ownership transfers to county treasurer. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. Payments received in March are subject to 5% late payment interest. Unpaid Taxes. Box 8645, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645. Click Here To Search Property Information Online On March 1st property tax records are turned over to the Washtenaw County Treasurer's office. Erica Hobbs is a freelance writer for After February 28th, all unpaid taxes are sent to Washtenaw County as delinquent. Webster Township collects property taxes from July 1st, the year of any given tax, through February 28th of the following year. State Law requires payment of property taxes from December 1st to through February 14th. The County will mail statements with their fees included. At that point, taxes are due and payable to the County only, and cannot be accepted at the Township offices. Payment address: Washtenaw County, 200 N. Main St., Ann Arbor, MI 48107. Delinquent personal property taxes are payable to the City of Ann Arbor Treasurer's Office. Washtenaw County Tax Records are documents related to property taxes, employment taxes, taxes on goods and services, and a range of other taxes in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Payments made for delinquent taxes are not reflected on this website. If the 14th falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the next business day. Winter Taxes: Winter Tax Notices are mailed at the end of November of each year. July: Property sold at auction. All 2020 taxes must be paid by five (5:00PM) on February 28, 2021. If not paid to the Village Treasurer by the due date, the unpaid taxes are turned over to the County Treasurer for collection. Payments payable to Washtenaw County Treasurer should be mailed to: Washtenaw County Treasurer, P.O. Real property taxes that are unpaid are turned over to the Washtenaw County Treasurer for collection with additional penalties and interest as of March 1 each year. Delinquent taxes: As of March 1st of each year, all unpaid taxes are turned over to the Washtenaw County Treasurer’s office for collection. Treasurer & Tax Collector Offices in Washtenaw County, MI are responsible for the financial management of government funds, processing and issuing Washtenaw County tax bills, and the collection of Washtenaw County personal and real property taxes.
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