Elisha proclaimed, “This is the LORD’s arrow, an arrow of victory over Aram, for you will completely conquer the Arameans at Aphek.” English Standard Version And he said, “Open the window eastward,” and he opened it. Let us bethink ourselves to-night whether we have not been shooting too few arrows; whether we have not thought too much of the little we have been doing; whether we might not have done more; whether we must not do more; whether now for the future we will not believe God’s promises more firmly; preach his Word more boldly; tell it to others more frequently; give to God more liberally; pray to God more earnestly, consecrate and devote ourselves to the Lord more perfectly. I would that instead of shooting three times, they would have grace to shoot more, and more, and more, till they comprehended with all saints what are the heights, and depths, and lengths, and breadths, of the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. Shoot out Your arrows, and destroy them (Psalm 144:6). By a miracle? Kansas City, Missouri 64118, © 2017 The Spurgeon Center and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Heap mischief upon them, and spend Your arrows upon them (Deuteronomy 32:23). Carnal policy may take its place in the cabinet and in the government of the land, but never in the house of God. If he biddeth you shoot on the ground, do you shoot on the ground. You will sometimes see a man go into vice, and bring his own body to the verge of the grave, and make himself a mass of rottenness at the command of the devil, and yet he never grumbles at his master, never thinks of running away from him; and here is my Lord, whose service is perfect freedom, who gives us to eat and to drink of better food than angels ever tasted; who the more we do for him the more he rewards us, and the more strength he gives us to work with, and yet we are cold, and dull, and dead; and if we are asked to do something, we say we have so many calls; or if we are asked to go upon some enterprise which has a little dishonour or discomfort connected with it, we go back, would lie in bed and take our ease! There is all that sort of thing among them; you see a spirit the reverse of amiable, a mind palpably contrary to that which was in Jesus Christ. There is great peace in the knowledge of the father-child relationship the Christian has with God. Then in the later Reformation in England, when our slumbering Churches were suddenly started from their sleep, who did it? 2 O Lord, I have heard thy report, and was afraid: I considered thy works, and was amazed: thou shalt be known between the two living creatures (Behemoth and Leviathan: see 2 Esdras 6:47-52 and many other verses below), thou shalt be acknowledged when the years draw nigh; thou shalt be manifested when the time is come; when my soul is troubled, thou wilt in wrath remember mercy. Male Pronouns. May God grant that you may keep on shooting your arrows, that you may expect great things, and do great things. We read the biography of such a man as Brainerd, and we shut up the book, and sigh, and say, “Oh I could never be so devoted as he was!” We have turned over the life of Whitfield, and when we have read it, we have said, “Ah! Do not be content with that. How many believers have but little faith, and seem quite content to have but that little. We shall not use God’s bow as much as we should if we once begin to pamper self-indulgence, to cultivate our own ease, and make provision for the flesh. Break their bones, and pierce them through with Your arrows (Numbers 24:8). 3:11) LORD, heap mischief upon them and spend Your arrows upon them in the name of Jesus (Deut. Go further on, to a yet more stupendous work of divine power, when God brought up his people out of Egypt with a high hand and with an outstretched arm; when he led them through the sea as through the wilderness, and made the depths stand upright as a heap, as though they were congealed in the heart of the sea. There is very little family prayer; not much interest taken in the conversion of the children; there is an angry temper, perhaps, which is somewhat curbed, but still the brother thinks that it is impossible to curb it any more, and so he tolerates himself in the occasional indulgence of it; there is much which is not inconsistent, perhaps, in the eye of the world, but which is most certainly not consistent in the mind of the Spirit of God. Star Wars, Yu-Gi-Oh, DC, Marvel, Set Your mark upon my enemies for Your arrows (Lamentations 3:12). Now, Christ came to deliver such from the fear of death; and yet though Christ came to do it, it is not done in their case. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Then Elisha said, “Shoot,” and he shot. No more timidity! Lop the big boughs off if you like, but laying the axe to the root— no, we do not quite like that. It is God's purpose that you should be the deliverer of His people in the particular path that He has opened before you. The whole Church-treasury is robbed by you. 2 King 13:19 They said that their gods were greater than He. Look at the devil’s advocates, how they compass sea and land to make one proselyte. Dear friends, let us seek so to live that even ungodly men may miss us when we are gone. No Sunday-school; no care for the conversion of souls; but bigotry, bitterness of spirit, carping and backbiting against all those who are willing to labour in the Master’s vineyard. “Why, it will be something wonderful! (wpe), 2 King 13:19. He knew very well that he had not many soldiers, and that Syria was very strong, so he thought, “Well, it takes some faith to think that I shall beat them three times, but it is not likely I shall do it the fourth.” He doubted the divine power and the divine promise, because of his own weakness; and many a Christian does that. Behemoth, Leviathan and the Fiery Arrows of the Lord from Habakkuk 3 June 3, 2020 Jeff Byerly HolySpiritWind holyspiritwind.net 6-3-20 Watch Video Here The Holy Spirit has been speaking revelations to me about Habakkuk 3 for about 3 weeks now and has had me read it over and over in a … No, we want a shorter cut than that; we keep fancying that if we were to give up some ordinance, perhaps, if we held our tongues about baptism, if we were to cut about this doctrine and that, we should get on better. Ah! This sudden impulse that takes possession of you in your youth, and causes you to shoot forth the arrows of the aspirations of your soul, — these are the things, that show you the way of the Lord. when a man joined the Church in those days, he was a man who meant what he said. Look abroad and see how busy men are in the world! The barbed arrows of the Lord, sent by an angel’s hand, come to such ones; but they are not wounded. Send your arrows abroad. It is just possible that he felt he did not want to hurt them too much; he would be victorious; he would get his enemy under his feet; but if he did more he would crush him outright, and he hardly wanted to do that. The black fletching were like the Orcarrows. I am sure there is room for great improvement in the best of us. I believe that such persons bring much dishonour to Christ by their doubtings, by their hard thoughts of Christ, by their miserable countenances, and often, too, by their want of zeal, their want of prayer, and their shallowness in the ways of God. Send out your arrows and scatter the enemy. I would, dear friends, that I could so speak to-night as to give the members of this Church a very high and noble ambition to do much and to get much for God; to get much grace; to have much holiness; to do much work. Arrow making is a painstaking process requiring time, testing and patience. Church-membership is a sort of joint-stock company; we, each one of us, take out of that stock and put into it. They were determined to root out the very name of Israel from among the …, Songs of Deliverance this is all wrong, dear friends. To mansions in the sky,”, and “rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory!". Oh, dear friends, how much they miss who neglect to study God’s Word; and what blessings do they cast away from themselves who are willing to be ignorant of the sublimer truths of revelation! If God shall bless him in one effort, let him go on to another. #numbers23:19      At the outset, let us remark the carefulness of the Holy Spirit in guarding …, 5001 North Oak Trafficway The Holy Ghost himself: but you cannot talk of the revival without mentioning the names of Whitfield and Wesley, for God worked by means then, and he works by means still. And do not be content then, ask that the aisles may be filled, that God will convert the standers, and that your Church may burst the walls of the house in which you meet. We have got some new scheme of our own; it is not preaching the gospel — that is old-fashioned; we will try something else; it is better than going out into the highways and hedges, and compelling them to come in. Elisha was the prophet of God; a man of …, Israel in Egypt Take the Reformation, can you think of it without thinking of God? Without Christ we can do nothing; but do remember the converse of that proposition, that with him we can do all things. The words that you release are to carry His anointing. I release Your sharp arrows into the heart of the King’s enemies (Psalm 45:5). They do not understand the deep things of God; they are content to know that which saves the soul from ruin, and the remedy which is provided in Christ, but they do not know, and perhaps do not care to know the doctrine of God’s electing love. They cannot take God at his word, and therefore their temporal troubles and their spiritual cares press very heavily upon them. If he will be with me I can do all things, or can bear all sufferings. It seems to me that everybody is enthusiastic except Christians, and that men can get their blood hot on any subject except religion; that in these days the ice has been given to the Church of God, and the fire has been cast upon the world. 7:13). If right be right, pursue it; if God commands, do it, and leave the consequences to him. Prophetic scribes are arrows in the quiver of the Lord. I used to notice a remark which was made concerning the revival in the north of Ireland, that there seemed to be no prominent instrumentality. Do not think that your standard of a prayer-meeting is to be a low one. One of the easiest ways to obtain arrows is to make them yourself. I cannot tell certainly, but I think some of the reasons which I am going to give you may be correct. IT was the desire of Asaph to obtain for his nation help from God. And you who are here, do not you sit still. I think, also, that the king may have begun to doubt whether the victories would really come. Shoot Your arrows upon them, and let them be wounded suddenly (Psalm 64:7). And this should be the labour of every Christian. If you are dead and dull they will not be so here at your next-door neighbours— St. George’s Cathedral. Then you see another class of people who are just the same as to their knowledge. The best way to do this is to begin with your equipment, in this case, your bow and arrows. Oh that the Lord would give them new faith, so that they would trust him implicitly, and leave their souls in the hands of him who shed his heart’s blood that he might redeem them from wrath! Why, there are thousands of England’s sons who do this year by year. ridiculous! He works; the instrumentality is nothing without him; he takes care to elect means which, from their very feebleness, convince the most sceptical that the power cannot be in the creature; while, at the same time, he rarely effects any great thing for his people apart from human agency. As in the vanilla game, within the Lord of the Rings Mod they are used as ammunition for bows.   Israel was at that time engaged in warfare against Syria. He worketh in us to will and to do of his own good pleasure. I release the arrow of the Lords deliverance in my life. such men are uncommon, and such experiences are like angels’ visits, few and far between; we cannot get up to this.” I do believe, dear friends, that this spirit creeps over us all. “Now,” says the devil, “I want you to drink ale and stout; it will make your brain reel; it will make your eye red to-morrow morning, and perhaps send you into delirium tremens." The king is to be censured, and censured severely; but as he is dead and gone, and our censure cannot much affect him, let us censure those who now imitate him; and we think that we can find very many of the same sort. I release your arrows against my persecutors. Ah, we do not know how tender we are to our sins, any of us, whereas the viper’s brood should be crushed in the nest! DEBORAH sang …, The Arrows of the Lord's Deliverance An understanding of this truth will give the believer in Christ the assurance of safety and security. — rob the treasury of God; and I know not why I might not compare them to Annanias and Sapphira, for they keep back a part of the price. XXII, no. Now when I look, dear friends, upon many Church members, and see how utterly idle and careless they are about Christ’s cause, and how many professors seem to be as dead as the seats they sit upon, and to have no more grace than worldlings; I think if my soul were warmed with something like a holy passion against them, I might say, with more truth than Jonah, “ I do well to be angry.”. “Why should I stay here for ever,” saith he, “shooting arrows? How is it that we are content to bring forth a lean ear, and then a scanty ear, when there should be seven ears upon one stalk, like the plenty of Egypt. | MP3 | RSS: Text-Featuring a sermon is a less expensive way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands on the right bar with optional newsletter inclusion.
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